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Does America Need a National Divorce or Just "Marriage Counseling" ???
Orrin Hatch and Ted Kennedy---

From NPR :

"I have to say that we became very dear friends. That doesn't mean we didn't fight each other. We fought each other like tooth and tongue but afterwards, we'd put our arms around each other and laugh about it," Hatch told NPR in 2009 after Kennedy's death.

"And we passed a lot of very important legislation together, and I will greatly miss him," he added.

Hatch recounted one instance where Kennedy tried to convince Hatch to agree with him on a provision of a bill by having his chief of staff "serenade" Hatch, a songwriter, with a song he had written.

Hatch also wrote a song dedicated to Kennedy, which he titled "Headed Home," when Kennedy was diagnosed with cancer.

I think there are a number of reasons for the incivility we see today between left and right.  Certainly, social media has exascerbated what was alread a deep, dark chasm between the two sides of the politicl spectrum. Those differences were reconcilable  few decades ago but what about in the 2020's?
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RE: Does America Need a National Divorce or Just "Marriage Counseling" ??? - by Old School Hound - 03-15-2023, 07:15 PM

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