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Does America Need a National Divorce or Just "Marriage Counseling" ???
Wise words from a wise woman.

Civility in politics is gone, gone, gone !!!  It died with along with people like Reagan, Tip O'Neil, Gerald Ford, and soon to be gone,  Jimmy Carter . Also,  Bob Dole and Walter Mondale . These people were warriors for their side but were he willing to talk with  and work with the opposite side for the betterment of the country.  It's not that way anymore. Can you imagine MTG and AOC sitting down and having a nice after hours dinner together?  Or Josh Hawley having John Ossoff and his family over to his house for an overnight stay? We are broken. Words like "liberal mind virus" and "make liberals cry again" have contributed to our brokenness. I agree with MTG about one thing. I think the differences may be irreconcileable. Civil War is already here. The weapons used in the fighting are not guns or cannons but very uncivil words. America is truly a nation divided. Reagan ad Tip would be ashamed and saddened.

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RE: Does America Need a National Divorce or Just "Marriage Counseling" ??? - by Old School Hound - 03-02-2023, 02:23 AM

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