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Could Betsy Layne be the big Surprise????
Having known both players and coaches @ Betsy Layne it comes down to the community and administration making a commitment to this young players..Remeber Betsy Layne did beat teams like pburg, sc, morgan co., sf, ac, east carter, paintsville, and some of the other top teams in this region when the commitment of tha administration and the community was as it should be. These young men and coaches work hard but all of the time come up short due to insufficent funds and lack of backing from adiminstration and community. Remember there was a time when Coach Hall and Coach DeRossett fielded winning programs at this insitution. Go Bobcats
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Could Betsy Layne be the big Surprise???? - by The Buckeye - 07-13-2006, 07:11 PM

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