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Morning Consult Poll(Dec 20): Trump Leads by 15 Point Over Desantis
48%to 33%  ...   I like it !!!  Republicans continue to get it right. Trump is the guy. The MC has  MOE of about 2.2% . 

A new Harvard-Harris poll has Trump up 25 points over Desantis in a crowded GOP field.  When GOP-leaning independent voters are factored in, and it's just a one-on-one fight between Trump and Desantis, it becomes a very close race, with Desantis up 4.   Will the GOP field be a crowded one, like in 2016? That seems to be the key question. If so, Trump is the HEAVY favorite, at this point. If it is just Trump and Desantis, it's an open fight. I don't know if Desantis has the moxie and fight to go toe-to-toe with the dirtiest player in the game,Donald J.Trump.    I'm hoping for a crowded field .

Hopefully, Donald can knock off these pretenders  one by one just like he did in 2016.  I worry, though, that Trump will continue to do crazy things that will erode his support and allow Desantis to take control of the GOP field.  I'm rooting hard for Trump in this one. 

It will be interesting to see what people like Cheney will do to try  to prevent a Trump win. Will also be interesting to see what Trump does if he loses the nomination to Desantis?Will he run a third-party campaign to help sabatage a Desantis victory? Trump is capable of anything. You can bet he will stop at nothing to destroy Desantis.
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Morning Consult Poll(Dec 20): Trump Leads by 15 Point Over Desantis - by Old School Hound - 12-26-2022, 01:04 PM

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