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Trump's shameless money grab: Donald's anticipated 'MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT'...
I'll play along OSH. First thing is you saying Hillary called a sick a sick lady who was a fan and an interview with a fellow rich liberal idiot where they pumped each other up is mind-numbingly dumb. So here is my challenge to you. Instead of that idiot propaganda sh!t that everyone knows better than, tell us what Hillary's top 5 accomplishments are. Simple as that. We will get crickets but I will wait. What has she done that has helped anyone.

Do that and I will post all the terrible stuff she has one.

You have a low bar to clear, everything she has ever touched has went to sh!t. List her accomplishments please and not a phone call to a sick fan or an idiot interview with an ultra liberal idiot shock jock.

Crickets coming I'm sure but I'm all ears...
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RE: Trump's shameless money grab: Donald's anticipated 'MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT'... - by jetpilot - 12-22-2022, 05:24 AM

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