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U.S. Tied For Highest Inflation Of All The World’s Developed Nations: IMF
(12-17-2021, 12:01 AM)The Outsider Wrote: Points to Ponder:

Why did Biden's pandemic relief stimulus contribute to inflation but Trump's stimulus packages passed in Dec and March 2020 didn't? Wink

Why didn't the trillions of dollars in spending signed by Trump last year contribute to inflation? Rolleyes
I never said that they did not contribute to inflation. I think Trump caved to political pressure when he signed off on those packages. The question for you is that considering that the inflation rate is the highest that it has been in 39 years, why are liberals pushing for trillions of dollars in additional deficit spending? 

Here is another question for you. More Americans have died from COVID-19 on Joe Biden's watch than died during Trump's term of office. Why did those COVID-19 counters in the media suddenly disappear when Biden was sworn into office? I never accepted the bogus allegation that COVID deaths were Trump's fault and I am not assigning that responsibility to Biden either - but the way that liberals such as yourself blamed Trump for political gain was despicable.

Trump does deserve some blame for inflation but the lion's share of the blame belongs to Biden. He has continued to push inflationary government policies and ignored all of the warnings, including those from prominent Democrats. Worse yet, he has the majority of Americans believing that inflation is here to stay because they see a president who does not seem to care about doing anything to get inflation under control.

History contains the instructions for getting inflation under control and those instructions were written during the Reagan presidency. The consequences will likely include a serious recession and a higher unemployment rate but somebody has to begin making the tough but necessary decisions. That person is not going to be Joe Biden or his puppet masters
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RE: U.S. Tied For Highest Inflation Of All The World’s Developed Nations: IMF - by Hoot Gibson - 12-17-2021, 12:33 AM

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