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U.S. Tied For Highest Inflation Of All The World’s Developed Nations: IMF
As most regular readers of this website know, the author of this and many other Joe Biden hate threads is a dishonest political hack for far right ideas and insane conspiracy theories.  I say dishonest because he knows better.  If Trump was in office now and Biden or Hillary or Barack or any other Democrat was his immediate predecessor, he would be blaming the predecessor for the inflation. 

Rick Scott made some of the same claims back in July of this year:

“Thanks to the insane tax-and-spending spree of President Joe Biden and Democrats in Washington, we are seeing six straight months of raging inflation.”

Sounds familiar , doesn't it?   Again, if Trump were president and the previous president was Biden,  Biden would still get the blame from these people. 

Politifact  rated the above claim by Rick Scott   MOSTLY FALSE.   Here was their summary:

Our ruling
Scott said, "Thanks to the insane tax-and-spending spree of President Joe Biden and Democrats in Washington, we are seeing six straight months of raging inflation."

Inflation is up, and there’s broad agreement that government spending has been a factor.

However, most of the big spending coursing through the economy took place before Biden and the Democrats were in charge in Washington. In the past, there’s been a lag of one to two years between higher government spending and higher inflation. The massive relief package in March has had little time to spur inflation.

As for taxes, they haven’t gone up. And if they had, that would tend to put the brakes on inflation.
We rate this claim Mostly False.

Again, the author of these "hate" threads for the current U.S. president is not a dumb man, just a very dishonest man. He knows full well, as most of you do, that there has always been a lag of a year or two between an increase in government spending and higher inflation. Does anyone really think he would be bashing Trump with rising inflation numbers?
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RE: U.S. Tied For Highest Inflation Of All The World’s Developed Nations: IMF - by Old School Hound - 12-15-2021, 06:25 PM

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