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Soaring inflation rate under the Biden administration
(12-11-2021, 12:36 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: Define willful ignorance. Live-for-today rabid Dems having gotten a taste for free money, and could therefore care less if it hurts them in the near future. In one month inflation rates have jumped from an astronomic 31 year high to now a 40 year high. Meanwhile the administration is doing it's darnedest to push through the bribe back better plan in order to give the latest installment to US gravy train riders (to include our liberal BGR residents), to keep them bought off until Dems can accomplish 'the transformation.'

AFWIW, the CBO has run the real numbers on the Biden economic plan and It is NOT paid for at all. In fact instead of 1.75 trillion in total cost which again Biden insists is paid for, the true cost is north of 5 trillion. 3 trillion of which will be added--- wait for it --- to the DEFICIT.

What free money have they gotten so far though?

So my wife does most all the shopping for the house. I had to go to Krogers yesterday for a few items. O M G

The price increases, just haven't noticed it but at the pump (dont eat out much either).

Makes me want to sell the rental properties and start building the bunker.
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RE: Soaring inflation rate under the Biden administration - by plantmanky - 12-12-2021, 02:08 PM

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