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Soaring inflation rate under the Biden administration
Inflation rates this morning are at a 31 year high and show no signs of slowing. For this country the idiocy of printing money like there is no tomorrow, in fact has guaranteed economically, there is no tomorrow. And here's another little news flash--- though we are not quite arrived at the strangulation rates of the Carter era, (I lived through that time btw and know what I'm talking about) we are closing the gap rapidly. America in those days had no where near the welfare strain she has in this day. Less than half of the people are basically feeding the rest of America, meanwhile the mindlessness of endlessly increasing taxes by rabid left, has seen to it that going to the well so often has already run it dry. Therefore taxing the people has arrived at the point where commerce is very nearly stifled. And because Dem economic policy is based on La-La lunacy and fictional climate change, there remains no manufacturing structure in place, and frankly not much of an energy grid left for the US to work her way out of the dilemma.

China has surpassed the US militarily and economically, and is now arguably the preeminent global influence. So again let me repeat-- how's the transformation workin out for ya?
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RE: Soaring inflation rate under the Biden administration - by TheRealThing - 11-11-2021, 10:30 AM

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