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Former aide says Trump told Putin at summit he was going to act tough for the cameras
(10-01-2021, 10:42 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: ^^ Liberals straining at gnats and swallowing camels. The video shows Obama telling President Medvedev to "Tell Vladimir to wait until after the election"

Even if Trump did tell Putin he was going to play for the cameras that hardly compares to what good old Obama got away with. AFWIW, Obama was true to his word to Medvedev. Putin ran over Ukraine and Obama welched on the Budapest Memorandum. Meanwhile that sweetheart Hillary got rather cozy with Russia herself and if reporting has it correctly, Russia was put in a custodial position over US Uranium stores.

When Trump came to power Putin darn well knew the jig was up. If Trump did play Putin at the Summit, and I'm sure he did,  all that means is Putin got owned. One thing is sure, the libs on this board ignore their own eyes every time the Romper Room heroes get snookered by tricky statesmen such as the Taliban, Rolleyes and they believe whatever the DNC tells them to.
Big Grin 
Putin thought the jig with was up with guy he helped elect. Big Grin 

Yeah Putin knew the jig was up when Trump removed sanctions imposed over their invasion of Crimea and meddling in our election.  

Or did Putin know the jig was up when  Trump alienated NATO allies or when he pulled out of Syria knowing Russia and Iran would fill the vacuum? 

I bet he was really shaking after  Trump’s limp response to:
Russian bounties on American troops and 
russian cyber attacks.  

There is a laundry list of instances where Trump showed his Orange belly to Putin.  To suggest Trump had it under control is laughable. 

Putin has embarrassed the last 3 Presidents.  He may embarass Biden yet, but Biden won’t be alone.  

but what is sick is Republicans are cheering for Putin.  Are you TRT?  Is your partisanship stronger than your patriotism?
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RE: Former aide says Trump told Putin at summit he was going to act tough for the cameras - by Cardfan1 - 10-01-2021, 11:18 PM

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