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"Pelosi's Republicans" : Cheney & Kinsinger Prepared to Take Center Stage
Disgraceful , childish House Minority Leader and Trump ball licker, McCarthy, called Adam and Liz "Pelosi's Republicans," as the select committee prepares to get down to the business of investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection by violent MAGA's looking to overthrow the newly-elected government.  I look for Liz to be front and center as a ranking member and someone not only looking to get to the bottom of the insurrection but to get some personal payback as well.  Go get those old, white men, Liz !!!    Liz will give her opening statement tomorrow.  Must see TV!!!

Lizzy Cheney took an axe and gave McCarthy  forty  whacks . When she saw what she had done,  she gave the orange man forty-one !!! "

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