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U.S. inflation soars in April to 13-year high, CPI shows
(07-14-2021, 07:25 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(07-14-2021, 06:53 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(07-14-2021, 06:39 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(07-14-2021, 12:47 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(07-14-2021, 10:38 AM)TheRealThing Wrote: Biden's first economic act was to cancel the Keystone Pipeline killing thousands of US jobs and shipwrecking multiple businesses in the energy industry which had invested in creating markets and gearing up for business dealings that fell through before they could make a dime. Added to all of this is the fact that all those hard earned taxpayer dollars were unceremoniously flushed without a hint of remorse from the new administration. And as in the case of the paid-for-- yet abandoned sections of border wall. Where building materials lay wasted and unused along the unfinished sections; So too are vast stockpiles of pipeline laying rusting in laydown areas along the Keystone right of way. Not to mention the money it has cost taxpayers for legal compliance because the US backed out of a good faith arrangement involving Canada and other entities. All toll the visible costs are north of 10 billion according to the BBC, but we'll be hard pressed to learn the real truth of this mess unless FOX can ferret out the actual losses.

None of the above touches the incredibly complex spin off businesses associated with the loss of Keystone.

The left hate the single family auto infrastructural model upon which America was built because they're convinced car emissions will destroy the planet. This even though they know the US accounts for only 15% of world pollution. Therefore the ridiculous multi billion dollar high speed trains and electric cars that will further strain a wobbly power grid (thanks to Obama's war on coal which has led to the loss of 50% of America's electrical energy production through plant closures); all of which features daily brownouts and blackouts. And of course the only way high speed trains and other forms of mass transportation could possibly work would be if everybody were forced out of their suburban homes and into the grim reality of Russia style apartment buildings where people languish in miserable mediocrity, next door crime, and squalor. The short of it all is this, Dems believe whatever they want to believe and they're willing to force Americans to comply with the idiocy.

Shortages exist for everything from pool chemicals to paint products from Sherwin-Williams. And of the products which are still available, EVERYTHING is going up. People are laying at the house thanks to stimulus checks, in spite of Joe's claims otherwise. How do I know this? Signs posted in the windows of every restaurant and most business for one thing. But ask any business owner, they will tell you in a heartbeat. Tree huggers are the real crazies in this world, and inflation is very real.
TRT first thing Keystone jobs overwhelming majority of jobs where temporary. TRT this is Canada's oil it's still coming into this country maybe not as fast as you want it to or should I say not as fast as the owner of Canada's oil.
TRT this was a campaign promise President Biden made.
TRT Texas said they was going to build the wall let them have at it. Again another campaign promise President Biden made unlike your King who said and I quote "We are going to build a wall and Mexico will pay for it" Another one of his many lies.
TRT you must think $1,400 dollars go a long way they gave them checks out in march that's almost 4 months ago you need to come up with something else that lie is getting old.
TRT wages went up a $1 an hour last month people are spending more so prices will go up when demand out paces supply.
TRT you will get the biggest raise on the check you draw every month you should at least give President Biden at least a Thanks.

Trumpsters here is a another good example Trickle down doesn't work for the average worker'
A rapidly rising inflation rate is not a good thing. No amount of your repetitive lies will convince anybody with an IQ above room temperature that a high inflation rate is a good thing. If you get an annual raise of 3 percent and the annual inflation rate is 5 percent, the last thing you should do is thank Joe Biden for a pay cut.
Quoooter time will tell we have seen the last 40 years how your Trickle Down works it doesn't work for everyone that's the TRUTH.
Your economic idiocy is on full display. Inflation has never been a good thing and it never will be a good thing. Biden's policies, if successful will send the inflation rate through the roof. Trickle down economics has nothing to do with this thread. I guess you think throwing out any old economics jargon will make you look smarter. If so, your strategy has failed miserably.
Quooter I just want to see interest rates go up make more money.
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RE: U.S. inflation soars in April to 13-year high, CPI shows - by vector#1 - 07-14-2021, 07:28 PM

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