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President Biden's Address to Congress... Your Thoughts ?
@Hoot Gibson:

I have nothing against my fellow Americans, Twin Ticks, but I do hate socialists, communists, and others who seek to take what is rightfully mine and to deprive me of the personal and economic liberty for which generations of Americans before me fought and died.

You have a very poor understanding of American history and an even more profound ignorance of basic economics. This country is broke and it is on the road to hyperinflation and all of the misery that comes with it. The time is fast approaching when our federal government will actually have to begin cutting existing programs. It is idiotic to be creating new welfare programs that common sense tells us (those who have common sense) cannot be funded in the future.

Of course, you do, Hooter.  You only talk socialism and economic collapse when money that is resting in big business and the military is diverted to help Americans.  No mention at any other time...Not a peep.  So that means you are anti-American and a hypocrite.  

No one could be as knowledgeable of your alternate reality as you, of course, that's not this world. 

As mentioned in this thread your hero improved the economy with government spending (he lied and said he was cutting...typical).  FDR rebuilt this economy with government spending. Clinton invested in America to create the only budget surplus I've ever known.  

Uncle Joe Biden is going to bring us out of the Trump economy by making it easier for the American citizens to work and to get an education and improving our infrastructure and our public services.  These aren't checks to the poor or tax breaks for the rich, but help for the working.  The middle class:  the backbone of this nation.  
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RE: President Biden's Address to Congress... Your Thoughts ? - by Cardfan1 - 05-05-2021, 09:59 AM

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