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President Biden's Address to Congress... Your Thoughts ?
(05-02-2021, 01:49 PM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(05-02-2021, 08:11 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(05-01-2021, 11:06 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(05-01-2021, 09:07 PM)Old School Hound Wrote: A sincere question for our conservative friends(most notably, Hoot, Jet, and TRT)--- Is there anything that you liked about what the president said in his speech?  Some of the things he mentioned should be easy for any American to get behind. The words and thoughts were very positive, very pro- America. I obviously don't know this man's heart anymore than any of you do, but he seems like a kind man who wants to do well for a country he has served for decades. Even long-serving, staunch conservatives  in Congress respect the man and say that he's a good and decent man.  Is there anything positive you can say about this man?   I've almost always been able to find at least one or two things about men like the Bushes, Nixon, Ford, or even Reagan that I liked. Trump is the only GOP president that I couldn't find a single thing to like. Not one thing.  What about Biden?  If you had the opportunity to meet him and shake his hand, is there something good you would be able to say to him or about his decades of service to the country?

Lindsey Graham:  "If you can't admire Joe Biden as a person, then you got a problem.  You need to do some self-evaluation. ... What's not to like? "  Is there anything you admire about this man or about the ideas he spoke about in his speech or is self- evaluation in order?   Thanks in advance for your responses.

Liberal: Lindsey Graham is a conservative. Lindsey Graham thinks Joe Biden is swell. You are a conservative. You should agree with Lindsey Graham.

Me: Lindsey Graham is not a conservative. Lindsey Graham was one of the Gang of Eight that promoted amnesty for illegal aliens. My political opinions are not based on other people's opinions. I have been following American politics closely for nearly 40 years. Why do liberals feel such a strong compulsion to align their opinions with those of other people when they have their own functional eyes and ears? Do you not trust your own senses to form your own opinions?

I have made my opinion of Joe Biden very clear and will not waste my time restating what I have already written. A speech that was full of Marxist-Leninist proposals has not changed my opinion of Joe Biden in any way. Although I do not always disagree with Graham, the man is a snake.
Which Marxist-leninist proposals get your goat, Hooter? 

Expanded preschool?
free community college? 
taxpayer funded childcare?
improved elder care?  
safe water programs? 

those the ones that make you hate Joe Biden?  Or are there others?
I am for anything that benefits our children and our elderly and average American families.  As much as I despised Trump,  if he had proposed the ones you mentioned, I would have been for their passage. The current president's proposals are pretty bold and almost Rooseveltian or Johnsonian in scope and will be paid for by the wealthiest of the wealthy. However, they are pretty common sense and needed as well. Average Americans, middle class Americans, regardless of political persuasion or political hatreds, should advocate for proposals that help Average American families and families that are hurting. To borrow from Miss Lindsey, if you can't get behind American families who are hurting, maybe you need to do some soul searching and self-evaluation. Maybe check your Christian moniker at the door . What Would Jesus Do? What Would Joe Do?  I think Jesus and Joe would be in one accord on these kind of proposals. Let's cast our hatreds aside and get behind a president who really does care about helping your family and mine. That's a nice change from the last few years.

Funny the way you put that, 'our children.' In this brave new world it really does take a village to raise a child. But that idea would never pass the Lord's approval. The definition of insanity they say, 'is dong the same thing over and over and expecting different results.' Funding bad behavior as America does would certainly never stop it. If fact nothing but a return to moral virtue would ever have so much as a mitigating affect, but if children and consequently the nation, are ever to escape the trap of endless abortions on the one extreme and street children on the other, we simply must return to the Christian values of our forefathers.

Johnson's social polices (The Great Society Initiative in particular) truly ushered in this day of the welfare state. I pointed this out on here just over 20 years ago. At the time of the Initiative there was a scant 336 thousand households on food stamps. The number as of 2016 in the Obama heyday was 48 million. The Great Society Initiative did not alleviate the problem, it exacerbated it.

Churches are funded by the Tithe. A 10 percent giving based on one's substance, which in no small measure goes to help the poor. Added to that these same folks pay state and federal income taxes, estate taxes, property taxes and more which again, largely go to help the poor through current welfare programs. Which BTW  have turned welfare into an extended stay at the country club. What would Jesus do? I quoted to you what He said to Adam. WORK, earn your bread by sweating for it. But if the combined efforts of the citizens of this nation haven't turned the dime yet, when would it ever? The Lord Jesus also said the following; "The poor you will always have." Is then God Himself derelict in His provision? Of course not.

As I said back in 2011 and as the statistics bear out, Johnson's idea that America could 'buy the problems of the poor' have flopped miserably. That doesn't mean we ever turn our backs to them, but men are just not ever going to fix the problem.
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RE: President Biden's Address to Congress... Your Thoughts ? - by TheRealThing - 05-02-2021, 03:06 PM

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