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Songs That Must Be Cranked Up Loud(REALLY Loud!) When You're Listening ...
(04-18-2021, 01:04 AM)Old School Hound Wrote: Jet and Van,   one album that  I played a LOT in my twenties was this one and it was a MUST to play it REALLY, REALLY loud(at least I thought it was a must. Hell, it WAS a must) !!!!  Everything on this LP was good.  Back in the day, I had a neighbor named Ben.   The album was also Ben's favorite , whether he wanted it to be or not.  One night, my cousin was over soaking up some suds . He was on or about his 8th PBR when ole Ben, who was an old crustacean 40 years older than we were and who made Bernie Sanders look like a fun-lovin' teenager , came barging in my unlocked front door threatening to beat us up. The man couldn't hear himself fart, so maybe he was pissed because we didn't have his new favorite group ,Def Leppard,  turned up loud enough. LOL   Anyway, Ben got what he came for - an apology(not heartfelt in the least) and left. I locked the door behind the old curmudgeon and turned up HYSTERIA so that old Ben's hearing aids could get a better buzz than my cousin had worked up for himself. I'm surprised the old fart didn't introduce me to his next favorite group- the Police.

Here's what Ben got a hearing aid full of that summer:

Hysteria is one of my favorite songs ever. 

P.S.   I have three of the sweetest little girl cats that one could be blessed with. Most of the time I don't even know they are around. They all get along and are usually cuddled up together somewhere in the house.  One day I was in a Def Leppard kind of mood ... about THREE hours of Def Leppard... REALLY REALLY LOUD Leppard. By the time I was done,  my sweet little felines were wild, darting through the house, making big cat sounds , hissing at each other, and climbing the drapes. LOL    

What did they expect.... kitty lullabies?
Hysteria is one of my favorite songs ever. Photograph great too. Hopefully Ben saw the light lol...
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RE: Songs That Must Be Cranked Up Loud(REALLY Loud!) When You're Listening ... - by jetpilot - 04-23-2021, 12:18 AM

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