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Jim Crow 2 : Shameful Republicans At It Again !!!!
(04-13-2021, 10:54 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(04-13-2021, 10:45 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(04-13-2021, 07:13 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(04-13-2021, 02:37 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(04-13-2021, 02:10 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: What would God tell you about the humanitarian crisis at the border, racial inequity in this country, and the poverty and drugs afflicting our country? 

Would he tell you to turn those folks away?  Find new ways to hamper their rights?  Sneer and scoff and condemn folks as they attempt to survive?  

Not misdirections.  You just want to preach, but you don't want to admit the cruel and hateful actions of conservatives that are in direct contradiction of biblical teachings.

The poverty and drugs come from those people. This government is importing it all at taxpayer expense. Therefore the humanitarian crisis which Joe and Kamala deny BTW, was brought about by your side, it is being further exacerbated by your side, and it will go on because of your side. Trump had things calmed down. But when uncle Joe comes out and says all aboard, that gets around.

And write this down somewhere for future reference, only Americans have rights in this country. So how does God view illegal immigration? He sent Nehemiah back from captivity in Babylon to rebuild THE WALL around Jerusalem, that's another part you missed I guess. In order to keep the other races in the area OUT. Jews were forbidden of God to marry outside their race, for what that's worth. And feel free to google this, but the Lord never that I know of advised Apostles to feed the poor of the lands to which they were sent. They were to take the Gospel, and eke out a meager existence on whatever was offered or available due to the generosity of the people of whom they visited, which they did, and it cost them their lives.

Not to mention the fact that the Lord sent Israel out of Egypt and told her to 'possess the land.' Outright military conquest. You no doubt missed that too.

Again, you are clueless as to Biblical teachings. The Church has always reached out to the poor, they've fed them and clothed them. The US is very likely THE all time most generous and giving people in history. Living on the good graces of US taxpayers for those on welfare here, is like life at a country club as compared to most countries. But we cannot take on the entirety of Central America. At any rate, you know the whole thing is a billion dollar racket, US dollars that is, and you don't care about truth. All you care about is the transformation. The contempt you've shown Christendom is a matter of record on this very forum, who do you really think you're kidding?
Keep preaching that Old Testament and you will see how that flock and base grows. 

Transformation?  Of What?  

My contempt is of people who claim to be Christians yet maintain their feelings of apathy, practice willful ignorance, and have slipped into spiritual decay to follow the Trump GOP.

Keep trying to revise even God's Word and you will see how absurd the tactic. I am not concerned that the truth will turn away anybody. Now, people like you? Probably. And Cardfan, I have sincere doubt that you do anything at all to help the poor.
Haven’t revised any words. Your words don’t match with the kindness of Jesus Christ. Sorry dude...They don’t.  I know that.  

Big Grin  you’ve said I don’t have a job, don’t pay taxes, don’t help the poor, etc.  
That’s all I do everyday.
In Matt 5:18 Christ said, "For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished."   The Lord Jesus spoke those words about the Old Testament. And you just got through slamming the Old Testament like it's no longer applicable. But you know my words don't match the kindness of Christ huh? Fine, put up examples of the kindness of Christ so we can all see it.

Everybody pays taxes and those taxes are used to give stuff to the poor. I said YOU don't do a thing I mean, other than run your mouth, and I see that I was right. i was talking about Cardfan getting out his checkbook.
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RE: Jim Crow 2 : Shameful Republicans At It Again !!!! - by TheRealThing - 04-13-2021, 11:28 PM

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