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2021-13th Region District Predictions
What's happened to Clay Co sports runs so much deeper than a coach, it's the result of the socioeconomic situation beyond anyones control. Families who want a better future for their children are moving away from Clay to surrounding counties at an alarming rate. With the recent flood devastation of the Ramsey Ball Park I expect those numbers to grow even more. Families of children with the means to travel 20 minutes will enroll them in surrounding counties sports programs this spring and summer, they'll create friendships and the next thing you know that Clay kid with all the potential has enrolled with his new friends in a new school district in a neighboring county.

As far as the decline of Clay sports it's only just started,
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RE: 2021-13th Region District Predictions - by Oldtiger - 03-12-2021, 11:01 AM

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