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Trump grabbing every dollar that he can
(03-10-2021, 03:02 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-10-2021, 02:04 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-10-2021, 09:16 AM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-10-2021, 09:11 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-10-2021, 08:48 AM)vector#1 Wrote: Quooter once again you are dodging the first stimulus bill Nancy put on Dear Leader's desk the one he put his signature on the checks and if you got the money direct deposit he sent a letter at a cost of millions to people talk about a slush fund
If illegals got checks in the first and second what's changed about the 3rd stimulus bill
Nancy passed her 2nd bill in may Dear Leader and Mitch dragged there feet waiting right before election to try to do anything
But NO Mitch was not going to give away $2,000 NO WAY
You do not write well. Obviously, you do not read well either.
And once again Quooter you are dodging the FACTS
Quooter i know you are on the ropes when you complain about some ones spelling or in this case writing that's a new one from you
Just how much more did it cost the taxpayers for Dear Leader to send out a separate letter ?
i dodged nothing. I create my own posts and they contain my own opinions. You do not have to like them. As far as extra costs, the so-called stimulus bill contains a mountain of wasteful spending, such as the $650 million bail out of San Francisco, which happens to be represented in Congress by Nancy Pelosi. I don't really think that you want to compare the waste in Pelosi's bill to wasteful spending that Trump caused. That spending legislation is full of line item expenses that even most liberal voters would oppose if they bothered to learn what was in the legislation. Democrats always demand unrelated pork barrel spending when they believe that they can damage Republicans by blocking a bill. They do not care how many people went hungry or lost their homes and businesses because of Pelosi's delay.

The only reason that any stimulus spending was necessary is that blue state governors, as well as the RINO governor of Maryland, forced business and school closures. Had they fought the pandemic like DeSantis and Noem did, the economy would not have collapsed.
Your Dear Leader added 8 Trillion to the debt in 4 years and the final tally has yet to be counted
But it shouldn't be no surprise he did say he was King of Debt
And YES Quooter you still dodged the first stimulus bill Nancy put on Dear Leader's desk
And about the illegal's getting a check if they got them in the first 2 what has got your panties in a wad about the third check
Quooter you also dodge the separate letter the Dear Leader send out to millions i bet that cost a lot i bet your framed yours hung it right on the wall
Don't know nothing about your so called bail outs
You don't know much about anything but the bail outs are not mine. They were gifts from Nancy Pelosi from American taxpayers. Don't worry, working people will pay to bail out San Francisco, so it's not skin off of your nose.
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RE: Trump grabbing every dollar that he can - by Hoot Gibson - 03-10-2021, 03:15 PM

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