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Republicans' top concerns: policy. Dems' top concerns: Republicans, rooted in ...
(03-01-2021, 11:11 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-28-2021, 11:18 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(02-28-2021, 10:23 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-28-2021, 08:01 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 09:10 PM)TBCardfan1 Wrote: No comments on the first commandment? 



You ? 
Issues with idolatry?

The Ten Commandments were written to whom? Everybody, or the children of Israel?

They were written after God called the Jews out of bondage in Egypt, to prove to His people that they needed God to survive in the world. The law, that is the 10 Commandments, were all that existed at the time in written it's form, and thusly proved to the Jew across time that no man could ever live up to, or otherwise obey the law. Old Testament Jews looked forward to the coming of the promised messiah for atonement; but we New Testament saints look back to the time Jesus came as Messiah and His substitutionary death on the cross for atonement. Our system of dates reflects this tremendous before and after. Before Christ, BC; and After His Death, AD.

But in looking forward to the coming of the messiah, the Jews of the Old Testament made a yearly animal sacrifice. The blood of which would temporarily cover their sins until the following yearly observance. Christ's death on the cross would once and for all, take away the need for men to ceremoniously sacrifice bulls and goats in observance of His future coming. Because He is, The Lamb of God. In His sacrificial death was fulfilled the great hope of all men who accept the Lordship of Christ to receive eternal life.

Moses later greatly expanded the 10 Commandments, writing the first five books of what was to become the Old Testament. (called the Torah) Since the days of Moses the reality that no man can live up to the demands of the law and thus earn eternal live has been vastly expanded on in two ways. First was the to-whom, of-whom salvation was extended, and second was the extraordinary expansion of the 10 Commandments to become God's Word in the form of the completed Bible, comprised of the Old and New Testaments. The point of division logically enough, were the days when God took on the form of a man, became mortal, and dwelled among us. 

As Christ's time/ministry on earth was coming to a close, the Jews rejected Christ and basically approved of His crucifixion before the Roman Governor Pilate. As was foretold, God moved His focus on salvation from the primarily the Jew, to include the gentile nations. With the coming in other words of Christ, came the inclusionary message of salvation through belief in Him, for all men. Not just the Jew, and certainly the Gospel messengers/preachers, were not just the Jew but also gentiles. And as by the time of Christ the Old Testament had become complete through the additional writings of the prophets. The events of the New Testament as seen through the eyes of the Apostles was about to be authored. As I say mostly by the Apostles, but in part by some significant other of God's servants.

God in His omniscience and to demonstrate the point-- As the 10 Commandments were yet being chiseled out on the tablets of marble by God Himself, and in the presence of Moses. The very people of God recently called out of Egypt and left in the care of Aaron while Moses is occupied with the Lord on Mount Sinai, are at the foot of the mountain engaged in making a graven image to worship. Melting their gold rings and jewelry, and making a golden calf. Points of the law, Commandments 1 through 10, are not the measure of a man's life at the judgment. Men are to be judged against the life of God's own Son, the Lord Jesus Who died on the cross. It's ridiculous for any man to point out another man's shortcomings. We're ALL undone. Born dead in trespass and sin. The ONLY way to life is through to recognize our own sin. Then to recognize that only God is sovereign and to accept the gift of life through the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, Whose shed blood unlike the blood of bulls and goats, covers man's sin forevermore. It's a choice, not a measurement. Accept that or reject that, it's the decision we were created to make.

So whether back in Moses time, 1445 BC, or our own day 2021 AD, men outside of Christ are a sorry lot. Laugh all you want at the profound richness of God's truths there Cardfan. I still say inwardly you have to know better. Your concerns about graven images are a bit misplaced in our time, because no true Christian would ever make such a bone headed blunder. But we both know what you were trying to say. Cardfan thinks Christians have confused the former President with God, and has decided to have himself a good old horse laugh. Enjoy it, the joke is on any man who rejects so great a salvation.

Define irony. A guy who doesn't know God, doesn't know a thing about Scripture, and cannot therefore distinguish lies from the truth, nonetheless thinks he is in a position to judge the whole of God's creation, and revise all of reality and God's own true followers as being fools.

Big Grin

1.  I know that’s an idol and Trump is a false prophet and you folks are worshipping him and it. 


Who cares what it is? I know I don't. And frankly, there may be some people who worship the idol in some limited way, if that's what it really is, is. True worship is something you have no idea about.

Christians worship The One True God only. Because of the nature of worship, it can only be directed to God. Knockoff imitations of worship are like so much of what you say-- a lying misrepresentation of the real thing. Christians are not confused about the person of God, they are "new creatures in Christ." They have working spiritual discernment in "the Spirit of truth," John 14:17; and therefore aren't wallowing in the sort of confusion in which you reside Cardfan.

John 8:44
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Are you a chip off the 'old block,' Cardfan? You asked for an answer, in fact you demanded it. I don't care one iota if you ever recant your lies on this forum; but now that you have the right answer to your childish attempt at deception, you might want to actually read the answer. Nonetheless, I appreciate the opportunity to publish the answer for all who may happen to see it.

I apologize.  I have a hard time understanding who are the true believers to you guys.  I should have learned my lesson though.  I mean the whole Capitol insurrection consisted of folks who walked like Trump supporters, looked like Trump supporters, and quacked like Trump supporters, but you guys corrected me and said they were not Trump supporters.  --they were Big Grin

Now we have folks at the Conservative Political Action Conference worshipping an idol of Trump, and you tell me those folks are not true Christians even though CPAC is primarily sponsored and attended by representatives of evangelical organizations.  HMMMM 

Is there a chance that your party has gotten out of hand, TRT?  All these years you have worried about Dems and libs and your own party is spiraling down the toilet.  

Also what lie was told?  You and Hooter throw that around like I have unreeled a whopper.  TBH it's an extremely childish and irrelevant insult.   

A golden statue of Donald Trump was at CPAC with people slobbering all over it.  Considering the Bible's take on golden statues, I would have expected folks to have understood the problem with it, or maybe they don't care. and it was what it is.

No need to apologize. According to Scripture the whole idea of Christ and true salvation is impossible for the unsaved to comprehend---
1 Cor 2:14
But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

I would however expect you to show some level of respect for the Word and/or the Person of God. But it is good to see you admit you have a hard time understanding God or who His people are.

I don't buy for one second that anyone worshiped the Trump statue at CPAC. But even if they did, I got a flash for you. Whatever it may be that you Cardfan, prize most highly; your job, your house, your wife or children, your favorite soap opera, whatever. That thing is your idol and not one bit different than the golden calf of mount Sinai. And for the sake of this particular argument, the picture of Moses up on the mountain receiving God's law, as opposed the people down on the plain below dancing around a golden calf, has not changed to this day.

Just like the Jews of 1445 BC, we have the same choice to make in our own day. Each man must choose--  will it be God's law, God's sovereignty, and the Lordship of Jesus Christ: (and therefore eternal life in the presence of God) Or will it be a life pursuing our own idols? (and therefore death and separation for all eternity for the love of God) God or idols? Idols can be things of substance or any ill pursuit, or even undying dedication to one's family. Saying that I will readily admit that the American dream is fraught with satisfying distractions which could well satiate most people to the point of their not seeing the need for a savior. Life is good here in the US. But in your mocking people at CPAC for worshiping DJT you have repeated a lie. Even if it were true however, you would be mocking people for doing exactly what you do because I know there is one thing which is most important to Cardfan. There is one thing and that is your idol, and everybody not saved has one. So you want to know the qualifier for the true Church? Christ is number one in their life.

The Republican Party is my party only in the pragmatist's view. Republicans tend to lean far more conservatively than do Democrats. You don't see Republican inserting, and taking out, and reinserting again planks banning the mention of God and the use of prayer at their conventions. The full list of Dem's unique negatives is long and you'd just dodge it anyway. But this is a nation with a government of the people, and as such we Christians have a civic duty to vote and be involved in the political arena.

I certainly don't like what the two political parties are morphing into. Democrats and RINO's or Democrat lights. Nor do I like the speed at which it's all going down. But the Lord did warn of all of this and though I knew it would come, I just did not know when. Now I know.

I've called you out on your lies at the point at which you type them. Use the search tool and reread them for yourself.
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RE: Republicans' top concerns: policy. Dems' top concerns: Republicans, rooted in ... - by TheRealThing - 03-02-2021, 02:12 AM

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