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Republicans' top concerns: policy. Dems' top concerns: Republicans, rooted in ...
I know that many conservatives will disagree but Bill Maher is a very liberal media figure who is worthy of some respect. I almost always disagree with Maher but I never doubt that he sincerely believes in the positions that he advocates. I especially appreciate the fact that he is courageous enough to attack Muslim fundamentalism, when most liberals limit their attacks on religious people to Christians. Maher is an atheist and is no friend to Christianity but he is smart enough and honest enough to acknowledge that Muslim terrorists are a real threat to our society and threats from right wing Christians are mostly paranoid delusions.

As liberals always seem to do, they are engaging in an extreme overreach in pushing their extreme anti-white, pro-gay positions on children attending public schools. Below is a discussion of this issue that Maher had with Megyn Kelly on this topic. Kelly recently removed her children from NYC public schools.

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RE: Republicans' top concerns: policy. Dems' top concerns: Republicans, rooted in ... - by Hoot Gibson - 02-27-2021, 05:38 PM

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