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Biden Executive Order Shutting Down Keystone
(01-30-2021, 05:54 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(01-29-2021, 01:26 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(01-29-2021, 01:06 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(01-29-2021, 12:29 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(01-29-2021, 11:56 AM)mr.fundamental Wrote: Ok, so like always there is so much to clean up in this thread. You all bounce from topic to topic in each thread. So lets go to the unions. Hoot and TRT how does right to work strengthen unions?

So dealing with jobs, Biden's idea with producing cars with lithium batteries (just an idea that is point, but was on his platform, think of it was Trump Building a wall, therefore, I personally do not put stock into it, but none the less it is his platform). This idea is suppossed to have the effect of 1 million new jobs).

In the idea of government spending to prop up companies, the defense department probably would like to weigh in on this topic.

In the idea of government leading scientific research, I give you NASA.

In the pipeline, is it not true the pipeline would cut across the heartland of the US where the food supply is mostly grown. If there was a leak in that area what does it do to the US?
It doesn't matter what you can say if the Dear Leader gives it the OK then TRT and Quooter will kiss the ring

They are not in there right minds
I see that you once again have nothing to contribute to the thread except for insults. At least you are consistent.
Has there been 1 time you and TRT disagree with the Dear Leader i am waiting in suspense

Let's at least be honest enough to admit a few things there vector. In my mind and many others in this land, Trump has been a very good president and I was a strong supporter. I disagree with DJT and Lou Dobbs about bringing the troops home, because I believe a strong US military presence across the globe is essential for national defense. And you can believe even though Rachel hasn't told you to, that China agrees with me. They've got a troop presence to our south in northern Venezuela, and they control the Panama Canal Zone for crying out loud, and there is more. Frankly, I believe the vast majority of folks to include DJT in some areas, have underestimated the socio/economic/military threat America faces from her enemies. But at the head of the list of threats IMHO, is globalism, and Trump had his ducks in a row in that regard.

Additionally, I think it is reprehensible the way the federal government treats retired people who were self sufficient their whole working lives, while they (govt) just hand stuff out to people in the prime of their life because they darn well think they're too good to work. I sent him a letter about that directly criticizing his lack of concern to that end.

Trump owned government sponsored health care, complete with pre-existing conditions. That law forces people like myself to pay for the care of people who game the system for the needs of everything in this life, and for nothing ventured at all on their part. All of which places tremendous and immoral financial strain on the elderly. These folks deserve a little ease in their last years. Not have to choose between their own healthcare and food, or their own healthcare and keeping a roof over their heads. I could go on, but I know for a fact I have been very clear about all of these things on this forum for the past decade. Feel free to look it up.

Now let's get to you there vector. If you ever had an original thought, you didn't post it on this forum. I have little respect for an opinion that I know comes to a person via lunchroom hot air.
I also think Russia and Iran also have a big hand in Venezuela all this happened under your Dear Leader's Watch while you and Quooter sit by and cheered him on for being the best president in your lifetime.
I figured such a scab worker like yourself should of put a lot of your money back but i guess you didn't now if you had been a hard working union man your health care should be in pretty good shape but you didn't want that you wanted that extra .50 cent a hour
I would agree with you on taking better care of the elderly whether they worked or not and for sure do away with taxing SS benefits
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RE: Biden Executive Order Shutting Down Keystone - by vector#1 - 01-30-2021, 08:02 PM

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