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Never will want to hear the following from GOP ever again
(01-25-2021, 08:07 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(01-25-2021, 07:40 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(01-25-2021, 06:21 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(01-25-2021, 02:25 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(01-25-2021, 12:55 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: ^This is the type of mindless posts that we have come to expect from most of the liberals who frequent this forum.

The problem with this idiotic post is that many of the companies in the slide show support radical left wing social agendas. For example, there is nothing conservative about Jeff Bezos' Amazon companies. Do you even read the articles that you link here?
I don't care which party they are for but your conservative party has been doing this for 40 years now maybe they have developed a guilty consonance
You're wrong, vector, as usual and as usual, not man enough to own your mistake.  Big Grin

Corporations take advantage of tax laws as they are written. It doesn't matter if the corporation is owned by a flaming liberal like Bezos or a conservative like Mike Lindell. Their accountants and CFOs' jobs are to legally minimize the corporations' tax bills. 

Corporate income taxes should be eliminated entirely and we would all be better off. Both employees of corporations and shareholders pay taxes on the income that they derive from corporations. The big corporations that you demonize provide millions of well paying jobs and they pay trillions of dollars in other types of taxes, licenses, and other fees to local, state, and federal governments.

I am no fan of Jeff Bezos and his left wing politics but he has done millions of times more for his country than you or I have. Bezos also intends to spend a large portion of his personal fortune investing in the infrastructure that future generations will use to mine the asteroids. I appreciate what he has done for this country, just as I appreciate what Trump has done for this country. I wish that Bezos had worked with Trump instead of against him, but it is a free country.
corporations take advantage of tax laws that was written by conservatives the last 40 years FACT
if you had taken a little time they now have it where they are paying NO federal taxes in FACT they are given refunds
as far as paying other taxes the only ones they are paying now is the payroll taxes but i bet in the next 10 years they are going to try to weasel out of them if the Turd had not been throwed out that was one of his next step
as far as creating jobs you and i see this very different i believe the consumer creates the jobs and you the rich people 
i don't think you can create or add one job without the consumer this country did very well before the conservatives started cutting taxes in fact we had a thriving middle class now it's just about gone

You've bought into all of the big lies that the liberal politicians have told you, vector. That's really sad. The truth is that every large corporation and industry lobbies Congress to pass favorable legislation. Some of those Representatives and Senators are Democrats and some are Republicans. Sometimes the president is a Democrat and sometimes he is a Republican. It doesn't matter, lobbyists do what lobbyists do. Politicians get elected by convincing people like you that all of the evil in the world is caused by the other party. It has obviously worked like a charm in your case. You are a Democrat politician's dream voter.

Here is what is going to happen over the coming months. Joe Biden will pass huge tax increases and burdensome regulations on businesses and those businesses will send their lobbyists to the PACs and other organiza tions that manage the Democrats' slush funds. In exchange, some pork barrel spending will be buried in some bills that will ease some of the burden on those businesses. The big losers will be small businesses that cannot afford high paid lobbyists to go meet with Biden and their representatives in Congress. There will be no relief for them.

That is the way the real world works, vector. It is how most Democrats and most Republicans govern. Convincing gullible people like you that the other party is to blame for all of your problems and ills of society is the Washington swamp's business model.
If he does pass any taxes on businesses at least they will pay some seem like they do a lot better when conservatives are in charge can't deny that i have no problems have done pretty good but i have paid my share of taxes unlike the corporations you like to take up for
Messages In This Thread
RE: Never will want to hear the following from GOP ever again - by vector#1 - 01-25-2021, 08:22 PM
! - by Hoot Gibson - 01-29-2021, 07:51 PM
RE: ! - by vector#1 - 01-29-2021, 07:54 PM
RE: ! - by Hoot Gibson - 01-29-2021, 07:57 PM

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