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Evangelical Leader Speaks Out About Trump and the Capitol Insurrection
(01-21-2021, 01:13 AM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(01-19-2021, 10:21 PM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(01-15-2021, 04:46 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: The left have attacked and snarled at DJT like a pack of dogs since his election. It didn't occur to them to take MR Trump seriously and that fact cost them. And it still to this day eludes them as to how ol Hill got beat. People have hated something alright, but it wasn't DJT. It was the continual lying to which they were subjected by their leaders. The response at he poll overwhelmed what the left believed to be an ironclad lock down surety that Hill had it in the bag.

But since election night and more profoundly, 19 minutes after the inauguration, 'the resistance' have been merciless
(The Washington Post)

Matea Gold
Enterprise/investigations editor
Jan. 20, 2017 at 12:19 p.m. EST

"The effort to impeach President Donald John Trump is already underway.

At the moment the new commander in chief was sworn in, a campaign to build public support for his impeachment went live at, spearheaded by two liberal advocacy groups aiming to lay the groundwork for his eventual ejection from the White House.

The organizers behind the campaign, Free Speech for People and RootsAction, are hinging their case on Trump’s insistence on maintaining ownership of his luxury hotel and golf course business while in office. Ethics experts have warned that his financial holdings could potentially lead to constitutional violations and undermine public faith in his decision-making.

Their effort is early, (Duh, ya think?)  strategists admit. But they insist it is not premature — even if it triggers an angry backlash from those who will argue that they are not giving the new president a chance."

Since the opening moments of his Administration MR Trump's antagonists have worked 24/7 to tear down his presidency. They have lied their heads off about him. Accused him of every conceivable low standard and ill motivation. They have mischaracterized everything from phone calls to his highly successful dealings in foreign policy. They have blamed him for the Coronavirus pandemic which should anyone care to check has China once again owing to a nuclear grade resurgence in the throes of panic. And they have followed through on their threats by actually impeaching him (albeit illegally) twice. And they have denied him the credit that history in restitution, will certainly bestow.

The short of it is as follows; yes, they seemingly have managed to virtually destroy the man. Not satisfied in that however, they are now focusing their ire on those who voted for him. Did I believe them initially? Nope. And after 4 years of a daily dose of ever more ridiculous deceit, do I believe them now? Nope. More of the same may seem to have inundated the land in--  deceit. But just heaping a lot more of it on exponentially does not make me a believer.

Franklin Graham is a good man who managed to do something that few have been able to accomplish. Walking effectively in his own father's capable footsteps. Sodom and Gomorrah were reduced to black ash which the wind blew away. Nothing remains. Like Sodom, America has far more than 4 years of the left's guileful and purposeful misinterpretation, of what has been a good government of the people to suffer through.

But in closing here is something else which has not occurred to the left. Truth cannot actually be revised. It can obviously be twisted for a time, but only in the eyes of those who wish to be misled. And just as obviously the example of the press/left assault on the person of MR Trump is only one example. But thankfully just as in Satan's own experience, one day soon all lies will be defeated by Christ Jesus. He is the only One Who could ever accomplish such a feat and it will be total victory.
I am going to respectfully disagree with you on the bolded.  I don't think Franklin has been effective in carrying on his father's immense legacy. While his father said one or two controversial things over the years, he pretty much transcended politics and was "America's pastor" for decades.  Unlike his father, Franklin has been extremely divisive and polarizing, even making some pretty awful statements about Muslims.  Speaking about their Uncle's divisive language, two of Billy's Graham's grandkids said awhile back, "no one will listen to Franklin."  They feel like their uncle is tarnishing their grandfather's legacy. Even though I didn't always agree with everything he believed,  I never missed an opportunity to watch an interview of Billy Graham.  He had a charisma combined with a thoughtful insight that is seldom seen.  He transcended religion and became a cultural phenomenon. Franklin  is lacking a lot. I have never been compelled to watch a Franklin Graham interview.

I can appreciate that and IMHO,  the tack and the results of the two ministries are very different. Sons of famously successful preachers who succeed their fathers in their line of work almost never have their father's success.

Every minister of God has his own ministry and Billy's certainly was uniquely his own. Franklin does carry on quite successfully in his own way, as I am convinced God has called him to do. Neither of them are/were perfect but honestly, the innocence of this land during the days of Billy's successes, has been far surpassed by the evils of this day. That is not to say that the miracle of salvation is in any way diminished, but fewer numbers of people are answering God's call. Because to be blunt,  the people seem to have become more wicked. The Bible is clear about the fact that the heart of man will harden, especially in the run-up to the Great Tribulation.

As to the controversial stuff, that's what gets evangelicals in trouble in the first place. People don't appreciate being told their ways are not going to end well for them. They get mad at the messenger, as the people of Israel did the prophets and many were stoned for their candor. Then Christ came and told the entire religious orthodoxy of Israel that they were wrong about everything they taught. Calling them snakes and and the sons of Satan. Which led ultimately, to His crucifixion. Obviously Him being God, He could have chosen not to allow Himself to be crucified, He nonetheless chose to fulfill His destiny and submitted Himself to death on the cross in order to pay for all men's sin.

So it's a pickle of which there is no equal. Does the child of God tell people the truth about religions that cannot save them? Or does he coexist, ala the bumper sticker I see all the time? Franklinly, it takes real courage to tell the truth and it takes zero courage at all to keep quiet or basically lie by telling people their idea of god is okay. God says there is none other than Him. God's Word (which is either perfect or itself undependable) says to worship Buddah, or Allah, or Brahma, or any other god will land them in Hell.

Exodus 20:3-6
3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 
4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: 
5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments

Serving the eternal King of Kings is a serious business, and not to be taken at all lightly. But the question is, do Muslims have a dispute with Franklin, or is the dispute with Almighty God? I have immense respect for the man of God. He may be meek but he is no coward.

But ultimately there is one towering reason for getting His identity right.

ACTS 4:10&12 NASB
10 let it be known to all of you, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead—by this name this man stands here before you in good health.
12 “And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men, by which we must be saved.”

I appreciate your devotion to your faith. It obviously serves you well .  I wanted to share this with you.  I met Franklin's son, Will , a few years back at a leadership event. I talked to him for a few minutes after he had spoken. He asked me what I majored in at college and I told him mathematics. He shared with me that he always liked math and was quite good at it. He said that had even considered majoring in math but when he took his first calculus class in college, that pretty much ended his  thoughts of a math major. He said that one of his girls had asked him once to help her with her math course since she knew her daddy was a "math whiz."  Much to his dismay, he said wasn't any help to her because he had forgotten most of what he had learned when he was in school.
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RE: Evangelical Leader Speaks Out About Trump and the Capitol Insurrection - by Old School Hound - 01-21-2021, 02:24 AM

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