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How did a certain School/Team become your rival?
At McLean County I'd consider two, maybe three "rivals"

The main rival is no doubt Hancock County. McLean has played HC more times than any other team in their history (44) and both teams have won 22 games in the series. So you have two small schools that are similar in size who are also in the same district and the game is usually tough & close.

Also, I believe Muhlenberg County is considered a rival. McLean had tough rivalries with both Muhlenberg South & Muhlenberg North before they consolidated. Since they did consolidate McLean-Muhlenberg plays almost every year and its a traditionally close series (6 wins for McLean to 4 wins for Muhlenberg). I think as to how they became a rival, its really simply just that they are two really similar communities that border each other. Muhlenberg is a lot larger, but geographically they are both extremely similar, rural areas. McLean County was actually formed from part of Muhlenberg I believe (As well as Ohio & Daviess counties). When South & North were two different schools they were also similar in size to McLean so it was generally a pretty even game.

I would also almost consider Owensboro Catholic a rival even though historically it hasn't been a really close series. I'd say this series has the potential to become a rivalry. For McLean, Catholic has been the top team in the district for more than a decade, so the entire community comes into that game really wanting to beat the Aces. On McLean's end this game has always felt like a rivalry for that reason. However, to be a true rivalry it has to be both teams feeling that way. When McLean beat OC for the district championship last season I think that loss really left a bad taste in OC's mouth. If the series can remain competitive for the next couple of years it will for sure be a true rivalry.

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