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Virus why so polorized
(09-02-2020, 09:44 PM)vector Wrote:
(09-02-2020, 08:03 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(09-02-2020, 06:32 PM)vector Wrote: first there are over 205,000 more deaths this year
than at the same time last year can you explain what
else it would be ?
i believe you are just peddling Bullsh!t because your dear leader is
mr. fundamental as your question why the virus is so polorized
just read TRT reply if there dear leader tells them the sky is purple
then it must be

now on the real NUMBERS and FACTS
around 186,000 Americans Dead from the disaster of handling the virus
by there Dear Leader i can remember the last president had 4 people killed
in Benghazi and they Sh!t there pants and let's not forget the 4 years of investigations
over 20,000,000 Americans have lost there jobs more like 30,000,000
riots we have not seen since the 60's

Trump took office in January 2017, the debt was at $19.9 trillion.
As of July 27, according to the most recently available data,
that number has grown to $26.5 trillion
your dear leader has added $6.6 trillion dollars to the debt in 3 years and 6 months

if i was President Elect Joe i would not debate unless Fact Checked in real time

Welcom To Donald's America

Ok vector I've looked over your goofiness lately but if you're going to get nasty let's just lay a few things on the line. First is your confusion about money. Your side won't consent to a second round of coronavirus relief because they want to triple the amount that the Republicans have offered to give just like they did the first round. Did that add, would that add to the debt?

I quoted from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, website. You know, that place DR Fauci vests so much confidence in? If you've got a problem with my post, then you've got a problem with DR Fauci and the CDC. Take it up with them.

Thirdly, and even more glaring is your confusion about the meaning of the term --- 'President Elect'   IF Biden was to be elected president come this November, he would then and only then be referred to as the president elect. From the time the Electoral College declares him the winner, until Jan 20, 2021; he would be referred to as the president elect. Got that? Right now he's just plain old candidate Biden. 

let's see really what you mean if a democrat president adds to the debt it's BAD
if a republican president adds to the debt it's the democrats fault
the second round of coronavirus relief has not passed so what is your excuse of your Dear Leader adding $6.6 trillion to the debt in JUST 3 years and 6 months i think you are a hypocrite 

now as far as you peddling your Dear Leaders Sh!t

but i see you have NO answers to the terrible leadership from your Dear Leader of the > 185,000 deaths even though you Sh!t your pants over Benghazi[b] or the BIGLY unemployment numbers and > the riots in the streets
and let's not forget your Dear Leader if he get's his way will > destroy Social Security

And you are right about President Elect Joe
This is Donald's America


Quite frankly I forget absolutely everything you post as soon as I read it.

>  On February 24th Nancy Pelosi was on TV out in Chinatown telling Americans to come there and have a good time, no threat from coronavirus here she said. And meanwhile Joe was on TV telling Americans that China is/was no threat, and to a man the rest of the Democrats were all engaged in denying there was anything at all to the coronavirus. their denials and mocking were an ill advised part of their ongoing congressional 'resistance' to this Administration and they were in full swing with their mocking and laughing at the President's act of banning travel from China a month earlier January 31st.

As DR Fauci has openly and clearly said, had the President not instituted the travel ban, it's hard to say how much more devastating the unrestricted travel from China would have affected the population of the United States. Many thousands and perhaps millions more people would have been infected than already are. As to what part of this is the fault of the President; under our system of government each state Governor is charged with the responsibility and the authority to protect their citizens from pandemic style threats, and that's why each state has a plan to do so. The actual preparation and the implementation of that plan is the sole responsibility of the Governor. Now you can take the lead of Dems who tell you to blame Trump for the virus the same way they blamed George W. for Katrina (when they know better) if you want, but nobody with a clue is going to agree with you.

> Beginning in 2011 with the Occupy Main Street riots, riots which thanks to the backing of the Dems is ongoing through to today, are orchestrated and have handlers and leaders sent out to managed the protestors. Those leaders are hired thugs. Professional leaders of anarchy who've been arrested over and over again destroying property, terrorizing innocent citizens, committing arson and mayhem. Further, these thugs on somebody's payroll, are targets of DOJ which according to AG William Barr today is hot on their trail. Even with clever ruses to disguise their activities there are records kept to track their movements across the US going from Seattle to Portland to Chicago to Kenosha among other places. And reportedly there are thousands of active investigations going on as we speak to bring these guys to justice and figure out who exactly funds all this stuff.

Don't try to act like you believe Republicans have the first thing to do with any of this there vector. You know there are zero conservatives out there looting and burning and murdering good people. But I'll tell you exactly when it was that your side went too far with the rioting. When the left attacked Senator Rand Paul and those who attended the RNC the night the President spoke, they went a bridge too far. The imagery and the treat those folks faced were vividly burned into the minds of Americans. That alone insured a Trump win in the next two months.

> Trump will not destroy Social Security. The Dems have certainly given the task their best shot however. Social Security is the right of every one who works for his living. But in the mind of a liberal those who don't work deserve to live as good as those who do. Therefore have we as a people elected a sufficiently large a number of Democrats, (who have sworn to take funds from SS and give them to people who contribute not a dime); along with a state and federal handout system that takes care of anybody who just decides to live out their life of free lodging, free food, free health care and free cell phones. Not to mention free love accompanied by the promise of government guaranteed freedom from the restrictions of child raising responsibilities resultant from that free love, or the costs associated with raising said children. No matter how many they produce. That my friend is what has the Social Security System under threat. Votes for dollars.

'President elect' Joe Biden, is a term nobody will ever hear.
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