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2A Round 1 District 7 Knott County Central@Breathitt Co 11/8/19
[Image:] Bolz ole Fatpat and the posse just met and the head of janitorial staff thinks the season has been some type of trickery! Said a new janitor was hired before football season and the season has went to &^%$! Believes we have been betrayed and collusion on the part of the custodian and his spying antics! Negative Wowza! Magz went crazy and threw out the ole mutha $#% comment and is mad as ole Grampy at the end of the month when the taters ran out and the first of the month check is late! Magz will get us back on track! Said get the Real Bada%$ from BGR here to help us solve this issue! #wewillbouncebacknextseason #wehavebeencompromised #injuriesandspieshaveputahurtingonus More mash taters please!!!
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2A Round 1 District 7 Knott County Central@Breathitt Co 11/8/19 - by fatpatfan - 11-05-2019, 08:57 PM

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