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Prestonsburg '01 vs Breathitt Co. '02
blackcat Wrote:I think you're right, it's happened the past few years with Belfry and Prestonsburg. Prestonsburg leads most of the game, and finds a way to lose.
Alot of that has reason to do with the dpth. Especialy in 04 Pburg was more skilled at alot of positions than Belfry but they were so thin and Belfry would sub the lines out and just pound and pound and it will wear a team down, epsecialy when tackling Dave and Doug. But I dont got much for Pburgs coach but thats anotehr story

As far as the game Hadix was as good as quarterback as I have seen in Eastern Ky and thats including Couch. Couch might have been a little bit better but Haddix amazed me and that would be the difference I think.
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Prestonsburg '01 vs Breathitt Co. '02 - by Belfry Wins - 04-27-2006, 01:29 AM

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