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If You Think Im Sexy And You Want My Body!!!!
BCF4L Wrote:So how is the woman situation going since you are at UK now? I always followed your situations on the other site and was just wondering how the switch has worked out for ya.

It's doing ok, but it's the same girl (Andrea) that I have been kinda off-on with at Bourbon. He are taking another class together next semester, and things are going ok now, even though we aren't dating. She's really the girl, since like 7th grade, I have always said I could marry. We really never have "dated" but we have had a relationship type friendliness, it's kinda weird. Other girls come and go, but Andrea is the girl I really want to be with in all honesty....Smile
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If You Think Im Sexy And You Want My Body!!!! - by FreakNasty - 04-25-2006, 02:29 PM

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