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Election Season- Here We Go Again
Even though I can't quite subject myself to a Democrat Debate night full Monty, enough sound bites are in circulation to satisfy tolerable limits. Socialist huckster Bernie Sanders droned on and on about the evils of billionaires. This in the face of recent news regarding his own financial fortunes in which his millionaire status was revealed for the first time. :pondering: I'm trying to imagine the service for which anyone might want to pay ol Bern millions of dollars. Can't seem to come up with one.

Then you had Elizabeth Warren going on and on about the woes that Americans now go through because of the high cost of healthcare; actually admitting to and listing some of those for her audience. Woes like people not being able to meet their copays and other out-of-pocket costs for health care services, even though they pay through the nose for their healthcare insurance premiums. In other words many folks deny themselves the care they need in spite of paying faithfully for health insurance. They would rather tempt fate than let other bills or possibly the needs of their children go unanswered. Just wait until and if Medicare for all gets enacted. But for crying out loud, it was all her Democrat buds there in DC who rammed ObamaCare through in the first place. Do Dems really think they can fly that one by us? My healthcare costs (before any kind of care whatever) have more than doubled since the passage of the ACA under Barack Obama. If I didn't write the checks I might not understand that fact but unfortunately, I do.

At any rate, get ready for the lies and lunacy. From here they will only get worse and worse.

BTW, couldn't help but notice that none of the Dem candidates have been able to hang the blame for the healthcare mess around President Trump's neck. Somehow, though Republicans tried their best to spare us the healthcare grief outlined by Warren, "I told you so" still seems to ring a little hollow. Oh well, welcome to your transformation!

Warren's logic--- I know we Dems caused all this, but we all still hate those Republicans, right? So vote for us again anyway, and we'll do better. :hilarious:
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Election Season- Here We Go Again - by TheRealThing - 09-13-2019, 10:12 PM

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