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Trump Tax Cuts Only Helped Rich People
Sci-Fi Wrote:You can’t set parameters in the middle of the game, friendo.

Poor people DO pay taxes - I said it before. Just because they get a refund back on their federal return, for taxes they SHOULDN'T have paid, means that they are going to take that money and put it back into the system. It's just like the pell grant for college. People get the money, they go to school, then they end up paying back more in taxes when they work. It's different when you're talking about the poor but if you're concerned because somebody who might struggle to make a living gets money back that they put BACK into the system - maybe they use that money to repair their house, buy food, gas, repair their car - all kinds of different needs. What do you think they pay on that? TAXES!

I don't know what the national sales tax rate is. Didn't it go up to 7% not too long ago, like the past year or two? I would bet that Donald Trump had something to do with that. Probably the Republican Party with those tax cuts. Probably raised the sales tax to cover the cuts to the rich. He's been in office two years and (other than the rich getting cuts) the middle class and poor are taking the hit. Can you imagine a country taxing the poor? LOL! I can't either but it certainly seems like that's what the goal is right now. Let the rich get by with big cuts and corporations get greedy with the additional money they have in their pockets to give to their CEOs.

So has Donald Trump weakened that safety net?

Answer: Yes.

Sci-Fi Wrote:Duck dive dip dodge. What else, o lad, can be brought on the wagon of word twisting today?

I never said there was a national sales tax - I said that the states collect it. It's supposed to be for the states but instead they send it to the federal goverment. And are you ever wrong, ALL states do impose sales taxes. ALL states impose withholding taxes. And of course, they do it with the intention (especially Republican states) of putting higher rates on the middle/low wage earners and lower rates on the high wage earners. By the way do you care to show any kind of proof that many of my kind don't pay taxes or have very little knowledge of how the economy works?

You are the one that dug yourself a hole Hoot. You, TRT, and JetPilot are going all over the place and have put yourselves in a very bad position here.

So, tell us all again how you never said there was a national sales tax. And if you want to see what going all over the place looks like, you might try reading your own post log.
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Trump Tax Cuts Only Helped Rich People - by TheRealThing - 06-20-2019, 06:56 PM

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