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Net Neutrality... thoughts and predictions
Sci-Fi Wrote:When you don't know how to respond attack the source and the poster. Why don't you show me something better, if my source is so bad?

Because you can't. I truly believe that in most cases a representative for senator from a particular area represents what their people want first and foremost. Yet we're seeing Republican majorities struggle to pass any kind of legislation related to immigration. Face it, a majority of the people want open borders, a majority of the people believe that refugees should be taken care of, a majority of people believe that there should be NO border wall, and a majority of the people did NOT vote for Donald Trump. Simple as that, and if you don't believe the source I originally posted you can take a pick from below.

You're welcome!
Your source was nothing but some liberal columnist's opinion and that's a fact.
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Net Neutrality... thoughts and predictions - by Hoot Gibson - 06-08-2019, 04:13 AM

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