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Feds released 168,000 illegal immigrant family members into communities
TheRealThing Wrote:Thanks for being civil.

BATW--- well, you must admit you're having to sidestep some very real facts while clinging to these new found feelings you harbor. Said feelings are ungrounded in law or the teachings of Christ BTW. For example, these border insurgents, far and away mostly men, are these days 'borrowing' children from any source imaginable to use as props. They're NOT families. Additionally, nationalities from all over the world have been found among them. have you forgotten the lessons of 911 so soon? Answer, yes. And because the Drug Cartels actually run the border on the Mexican side, drugs and sex slaves pour across as well. I wonder which part of your mind you really opened up?

Immigration laws are still on the books, they stand firm. The methods by which border control agents are permitted to enforce those laws is what has changed. Liberals play that game all the time. After 8 years of the best propaganda and the full cooperation of the press that money could buy during the Obama administration, they still couldn't quite manage to take the guns. So they tried a new tack. They used the EPA to close down the lead smelters with emissions regulations, and passed further regulations banning the release of lead into the environment. Spent bullets. Where the dubious global warming is concerned there too emissions regs are at the tip of the spear for forced submission to reduce our so-called, carbon footprint. Similarly the border control have been regulated into submission, as are we, on the matter of illegal immigration. And that not on the humanitarian grounds being put out there on the daily talking point sheet. No, they're trying to terraform red states to blue, using millions of illegals. The level of deceit here is only exceeded by the level of most folks naïveté.

Full cooperation of the press? Fox News reported against Obama all the time!
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Feds released 168,000 illegal immigrant family members into communities - by Sci-Fi - 05-31-2019, 08:24 PM

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