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Animal Testing
Name: Brandon Peters
Class: Special Topics in Biology
Teacher: Mr. Sergent

Animal testing...Animal testing is probably one of the most heated debates among them all. It is even placed up there with other such heated debates as Stem Cell Research and even other things such as gay marriage. I'm not going to get into those, as animal testing is enough of a debate within itself.

As with all other debates, you have Pro's and Con's and everyone has their very own opinion on it. As with most thing's it is simple, either you do or you dont. Animal testing is no different. Bluntly, I am for and against it. For such things that benefit mankind such as advances in technology or medicine I'm all for it. If for simplistic things such as Make-Up, etc I am in no way be for it.

Now with all this talk about Animal Testing, you might be wondering (What the heck is Animal Testing to begin with?) Well it would be fair of me to go ahead and give a nice summation of what Animal Testing truly is.

This is not simply making rats run in circles. It's far more important that that. Animal testing is when a company is trying their product out to see the effects on living creatures to see the reaction to make sure it will not hurt the consumers of the new product.

Animal testing is also used to try to make new advances in today’s medicine.

I guess it would be appropriate for me to try to persuade you or perhaps enlighten you so you can clearly see my end of the spectrum.

As with most people, we don't like to be physically harmed. That's appropriate for any human being. The thought of death also terrifies millions of people. While it may be inhumane animal treatment, who would have to be tested on if we didn't test on animals? Us human beings. That's who.

Would you like to have AIDS injected into your body and wait for scientists to work on you to try to find a cure? Of course not, that's simply ridiculous. Humans would be picked off like flies then. There would be nobody to use the cures on after the vaccine was crafted. So should we test these new medicines at all? I truly believe we should. Without it medicine would come out and people not know the unfound side effects and mass amounts of people suffer from these or they might even be.... fatal.
There are many things that scientists are testing animals on to help fabricate new medicines such as cures for AIDS, Cancer, or many other illnesses that are running amuck on this earth. As of now, these diseases can't be cured. Most of it's patients end up dying. So basically, if you get the news you have it. Your time on Earth has been numbered.

While it is the best alternative in the current time period, there are still downfalls to Animal Testing. Ever hear of taking a grain of salt with a grain of sugar? Well the same saying applies here. The conditions of the facilities are horrid. They are cramped, noisy, very poor living conditions. No matter how bad it is, the scientists try to induce the least amount of pain possible into the specimens. However, with some tests there is no way to completely alleviate the pain. General anesthesia is used to induce sleep to reduce the pain and much more.

These animals are being used to improve the quality of life for the human race. They’re well over 70,000 animals killed yearly in these vigorous tests. But with each death scientists become even closer to finding the cure for humans that they are looking for. With future animal testing it may very well be possible that we will find a cure for today’s 'Incurable' diseases in which many new people fall victim to each year and basically just wait to die because the right form of medicine hasn't been fabricated as of yet. As each day passes and the more tests are run the closer we are to finding a cure for these people who are just sitting around waiting to die. So these diseases that can’t be cured with current medicine wont even be a thing to worry about with future medicines.

Some sorts of animal testing are downright wrong. Testing new types of make-up and etc. on animals is wrong. No matter how morally wrong animal testing might be to some, most of it is used for the sake of the human race, To make our lives better and be able to cure more diseases than ever.

While people will still argue for ages about how morally correct Animal Testing truly is. Everybody has his or her own opinions about this and it's up to how you think/believe to choose whether you believe animal testing is needed

For the modern medicines to advance without harming humans, or that you think

that animals shouldn't be harmed whether it's to help people or not. I have placed my thoughts about animal testing into this paper. Hopefully I have persuaded you by now about how Animal Testing is needed to keep our medicines up to date so that people can be better protected from diseases that are out. If I haven't convinced you by now.... at least I hope that you mind is a little bit broader so that you can understand the way others think and not simply say the way they think is wrong and possible reason with them.

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paper - by Tek32 - 04-12-2006, 12:38 PM
paper - by Beef - 04-12-2006, 05:55 PM

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