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Chief Justice John Roberts
jetpilot Wrote:When I filter all the Trump Derangement Syndrome out of your post all that is left are two facts:
1. Sessions was a horrible AG and Trump fired him. Trumps wins.
2. Trump is right and Roberts is wrong about judges being activists. Roberts looks especially stupid speaking out when he never did when Obama repeatedly did the same thing you are bashing Trump for doing.
So 2 Trump wins and a lot of Trump bashing by you.

You bash Trump more than you criticize Democrats which puts you in the esteemed company of Scarborough/Mika, Kristol, and Schumer/Pelosi.

Your analysis is smack on Jet. According to Hoot, the front loaded resistance to the Trump Presidency is all attributable to his own failings in one way or another. In a word, absurd. In four words Hoot said it best himself, "I don't like Trump." I mean, what further clarification would one need?

The sentiment of resistance on the part of the left and the establishment en toto, which President Trump has dealt with since election night in 2016, is not grounded in his failings as a statesman. It is the result of sore loser Libs who had gotten so used to winning, that they wrongly thought the fight was over and will not accept the reality of the last election. Notice I said will not instead of can not. That is an important distinction in my view because even the right wing favoring media unwittingly give plausibility to the subversions of the left in saying they cannot accept the results of the election. That makes them seem far more noble by inferring that they just underestimated the task of electing Hillary and as such, their resolve has now been steeled. Not true, not that Dems were not taken by surprise in 2016. They know full well they lost fair and square, but like the repairman who thought he had fixed the problem and went on his merry way only to get called right back because the problem was not fixed; Dems are now determined once and for, all to stomp out all meaningful conservative resistance to their ridiculous agenda. They're playing hardball from here on out.

But far more important and noteworthy than citing the chapter and verse political wranglings of days gone by, is understanding what is happening to this nation right now. At one time exposing political plots to the people caused the plotters, (usually Dems) to either fire as many as seemed necessary as sacrificial lambs, and further, completely pull in those liberal horns and play nicey-nicey for a while. But as I have already pointed out, these days Dems just shake it off with impudence and keep on pursuing their goal of political dominance.

No amount of exposure causes them shame anymore because of two reasons IMHO. First, liberals know that there is precious little they could do to alienate those who believe they owe their government provided goodies to them. And they would vote for Vlad the Impaler if he ran on the Democrat ticket. Second, the lame stream media not only enable their Democrat icons, they go on to cover for them and help to pin false charges on Republicans. Republicans who BTW, are much more chummy with both the press and the Dems than they are their own conference. But I digress. As I have said, IF exposure could have made a difference it would have. Because there are multitudes of folks out there of stellar repute and experience delivering the message of truth and sounding the alarm. Not the least of which is a man that I have always respected in the person of one Mark Levin.

I will concede that MR Trump's familiarity with truly trustworthy cabinet members and staff has been anemic. He has made some bad choices in that he could not foresee the level of deception they were willing to perpetrate against their own country. But I believe the President wrongly ascribed a high level of patriotism to (a few perhaps) of those Generals with whom he was once so enamored. In any case there is no cause or excuse past that of their oaths of office, that would excuse the rats in question for the betrayals they have committed in their resistance to MR Trump's policies, even if they happen to disagree with those policies, because these RATS are beholden to the people and the common good. They are the ones at fault in all of this and MR Trump is no more responsible for their treasons than the rest of the inhabitants of this land. In saying the foregoing, nobody understands what Jeff Sessions problem was.

For what it's worth, even the low lifes on the other side of the aisle did not foresee the level of cooperation to which RINO's and deepstaters would eventually stoop. Because if Dems had had any idea, they would have graciously capitulated to the President's picks and had themselves one heck of 'seasons' worth of daily happy hours.

You know, the left has beat the same old drum for decades now where it comes to willful disobedience of the law. To them, lawbreakers are innocent victims of the society that spawned them. So who's really at fault? Well if you listen to Dems it will always be those darned old rich white men of the Republican Party. That my friend is the quintessential example of racism. And as to this deal of blaming the target of all the sedition, MR Trump, (and BTW, said targeting of MR Trump also targets all 62,979,636 Americans whom voted for him), it will do great harm to the country, mark it down.

Past that, the founders were men of passion, not reciters of statistics, precedent or historical blunder. Hence in all that they did, they knew failure meant certainty for the gallows. Thus passion in the form of patriotism, ought to be part and parcel to self governance. Voter ID's IMHO, should be in the top five issues for John Q Public. As should construction of MR Trump's wall, a strong national defense, a viable Supreme Court, and restoring sanity by admitting our system of law is based on the Godly tenets plainly written in the Bible. And to borrow a basketball coaching stratagem, my go-to 6th man would be ensuring the common good through discouraging special interests. Not rewarding them with an entire body of new law, which thanks to clinical hysteria over issues of diversity, has managed to completely usurp the authority and function of our once glorious system of law, and the judiciary charged with overseeing same. If nothing else, (but there is plenty else) MR Trump did us all a favor by highlighting the insanity of political correctness.
Messages In This Thread
Chief Justice John Roberts - by TheRealThing - 11-22-2018, 06:26 PM
Chief Justice John Roberts - by Hoot Gibson - 11-22-2018, 09:06 PM
Chief Justice John Roberts - by jetpilot - 11-22-2018, 10:12 PM
Chief Justice John Roberts - by Hoot Gibson - 11-23-2018, 12:48 AM
Chief Justice John Roberts - by TheRealThing - 11-23-2018, 01:53 AM
Chief Justice John Roberts - by TheRealThing - 11-23-2018, 02:50 AM
Chief Justice John Roberts - by Hoot Gibson - 11-23-2018, 07:26 AM
Chief Justice John Roberts - by Hoot Gibson - 11-23-2018, 08:00 AM
Chief Justice John Roberts - by TheRealThing - 11-23-2018, 10:13 AM
Chief Justice John Roberts - by Hoot Gibson - 11-23-2018, 11:55 AM
Chief Justice John Roberts - by jetpilot - 11-23-2018, 06:08 PM
Chief Justice John Roberts - by Hoot Gibson - 11-23-2018, 07:36 PM
Chief Justice John Roberts - by TheRealThing - 11-23-2018, 09:30 PM
Chief Justice John Roberts - by Hoot Gibson - 11-23-2018, 09:50 PM
Chief Justice John Roberts - by TheRealThing - 11-23-2018, 10:51 PM
Chief Justice John Roberts - by Hoot Gibson - 11-23-2018, 11:10 PM
Chief Justice John Roberts - by TheRealThing - 11-24-2018, 12:24 AM
Chief Justice John Roberts - by TheRealThing - 12-22-2018, 03:57 AM

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