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^^ I'm glad to hear that FOX News is staying under the control of the Murdoch family. And thanks, but I've made mention of the virulent strain of liberalism which has infected most of the news shows often enough, I know where FOX is headed. But we stand apart on the nature of the problem America faces. If laws and procedure could have controlled the direction this country ultimately takes, we wouldn't be in the pickle we presently find ourselves. This isn't about history or tradition or the things that once made America great. Because frankly, the rich and revealing comparisons which have been made to contrast the political arena of today's America against her glory days have fallen on deaf ears.

We left our heritage and the concept of American exceptionalism behind for the madness of secular humanism. You keep trying, but my intention was never to single out Trump as any kind of victim. We as a nation are in a war to rediscover our soul. Thus my contention over time, has been to point out the fact that a notably sizable percentage of both the American public and those in government have in recent decades, floundered about in a state of abject apostasy. And as the direct result, we will not survive. However there are those few in government, including and especially MR Trump, whom have attempted to stand against the existential threats posed by our bent for the pursuit of globalism and secular humanism. However one may choose to refer to the problem, political correctness seems to be the go-to term du jour. And is a movement which BTW, presently operates covertly under the flag of Free Trade.

No matter how rich the history of this nation, we're being led by people who never had the vision or the reverential awe of a life lived in freedom. From Jorge Ramos to Barack Obama, we're being redefined. Conservatives know better, as does MR Trump. But getting those we send to the hill to enter the representational fight has been for the most part, ineffective. And we're in for a rocky two years because while publicly honoring the US Constitution, Pelosi is already using the document itself as a throw rug, as she makes her plans to run over all that it actually stands for.

The point is we are at this point, in uncharted waters. And I do not believe cross referencing parallels, or historical similarities, or Karl Rove's white boards, means one thing. Mark Levin has it just right, we're facing a lot worse an opponent than election wars. The American way of life is in peril.
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