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First confirmed toddler death, ICE
If you've ever had any dealings with lawyers you know that lying comes easier to them than the proverbial second nature. Michael Cohen lawyer Lanny (slime ball) Davis for example, was the anonymous source who passed on 2 epic lies to CNN. The first saying that Trump had prior knowledge of the supposed Russian hacking of the DNC. The second lie being that Mr Trump knew about and approved the Trump Tower meeting in which a Russian lawyer supposedly had dirt on Clinton. LOL, heck, name somebody who doesn't have dirt on Hillary Clinton. A scant two weeks after setting La-La Land on fire, the 'honorable' Lanny Davis had to admit that he had lied. I already had my fill of this guy lying his head off as Clinton 'fixer,' and here he is back as a leading figure in the resistance. Tongueuke: You could care less about all the real news though, right get_real?

So, crossing the border between the US and Mexico without going through an official Customs checkpoint is a crime. Now, the toddler's Mom committed a crime when she illegally crossed the border by sneaking into our country across the Rio Grande River. A river BTW which if you ask a liberal, forms a natural barrier so that we need not concern ourselves with building a wall.

Nobody knows whether the toddler was sick at the time of her Mom's arrest or not. Nobody knows (except likely the Mom) if the toddler was already sick with a serious illness when she left her home to come here. Maybe, this was the impetus for her Mom coming here in the first place. In any case, there is no basis here to say that the care she obviously got while her Mom was being detained was in any way substandard. But this lawyer smelling blood in the water, sees another opportunity to enrich his own bank account with US taxpayer dollars. And makes all kinds of baseless accusations against ICE, which BTW just happens to be under socialist attack right now by those in this country who've lost touch with their own souls. Tell you what I'd like to see, let's abolish these conscienceless lawyers. We'd all be better off.

ABTW, we don't need to start an abortion thread to make obvious contrasts. You care about one toddler where there is zero evidence that ICE is in any way culpable. But you wink at a million Americans being aborted each year. GO DEMS!!! not
Messages In This Thread
First confirmed toddler death, ICE - by 4_real - 08-29-2018, 04:19 PM
First confirmed toddler death, ICE - by jetpilot - 08-29-2018, 05:15 PM
First confirmed toddler death, ICE - by 4_real - 08-29-2018, 05:37 PM
First confirmed toddler death, ICE - by jetpilot - 08-29-2018, 05:59 PM
First confirmed toddler death, ICE - by TheRealThing - 08-29-2018, 08:05 PM
First confirmed toddler death, ICE - by Bob Seger - 08-30-2018, 03:04 AM
First confirmed toddler death, ICE - by 4_real - 08-30-2018, 09:37 PM
First confirmed toddler death, ICE - by Bob Seger - 08-31-2018, 06:42 AM

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