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Crime family
4_real Wrote:#MAGA

M y
A ttorney
G ot
A rrested

^^ Pathetic. Watching you guys (lefties) suffering with the results of the last election is deeply rewarding I must say. Conservatives peacefully endured 8 years of insanity under Barack Obama. But when the worm turned and Trump was elected President, it was just too much for Democrats to endure. :please:

So let's do a little remedial recap for those who were out in the streets and on their knees screaming Nooooooo! for several hours on the night of November 8, 2016.

Beginning with Rep John Lewis (D) GA, Dems vowed that Trump would never be their President, and nothing's changed. The 'resistance,' alive and well, continues to flourish and is nothing more complex than a dog and pony show put on by the Dems in the effort to plant enough doubt in voters minds so as to take back the House in 2018. (To say nothing about the two years the establishment would have merrily wasted if not for the determination of the President. A man determined to return the power of government to the people, and who has nonetheless enjoyed astonishing success) But the game plan since election night has always been to stupefy and haze voters until this fall's midterms when with a possible majority, Dems could try and impeach the President. Failing his actual removal, the hope is then at bare minimum, to have slimed the President enough so that the remainder of his tenure will be one in which he is held in contempt by the Congress and 'the people.' And by 2020, they hope to take back the Oval Office as well. But the whole slimy mess is predicated on one thing, the Dem's have to take back the House this fall. If the voters see through their evil schemes, they will fail.

Then of course remains the fact that there is still not one sliver of evidence to implicate the President in any wrong doing, but Mueller continues to give it his best shot anyway. Despite the phony plea deal for Cohen, there has been no crime committed. And Cohen caved because he's scared to death and frankly, I would be too. The mushrooms are delighted in all of this. They cannot or will not see that were Dems to succeed in their machinations, our constitutional government having been sufficiently run over, would be destroyed.

As was the case in November of 2016, the power STILL lies in the hands of the US voter. Americans must get out and vote this November, only through our vote will we be able to put the resistance out of business.
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Crime family - by 4_real - 08-22-2018, 03:21 PM
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Crime family - by 4_real - 08-22-2018, 04:31 PM
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Crime family - by RunItUpTheGut - 08-26-2018, 05:24 PM
Crime family - by TheRealThing - 08-26-2018, 09:13 PM

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