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Media Mongrels Outdo Themselves Again
4_real Wrote:You can't make this up...He now says he meant the complete opposite of what he said. Spin that TRT.

Granny Bear Wrote:You don't have to "spin" it unless you are searching for something to argue. Most of you guys use magnifying glasses so have at it.

And even then what we're really talking about here is a mere repetition of talking points on his part. I used to say that libs all have their opinions handed to them but frankly, at this point I seriously doubt that things even go that deep.

Yesterday, as Sebastian Gorka walked out of a building, a face in the crowd yelled out the word "Fascist!" in his direction. Dr Gorka decided to speak with the man about the matter and asked him to define what he meant by calling him a fascist. The best the guy could do in his own defense was to lamely stammer out the fact that he was a fascist because he had worked in the Trump Administration. That was the depth of this man's knowledge and understanding of the slur he had just cast. In other words he had picked up the slur listening to the rant of some rabid lib on TV and didn't have he first clue what a fascist was. Who cares anyway right? The idea here is to be nasty.

Equally uninformed Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28 year old New York socialist who just upset Joe Crowley in that primary race, is unable to speak intelligently to a anti-Semitic tweet she made in support of Palestine. When asked about it on TV, she couldn't begin to justify why Jews were inherently bad and Palestinians were evidently inherently good. Most lib/progressive/socialists are blissfully ignorant of the truth, the best most can boast is if to merely repeat what they heard one of their college profs say. A situation though obviously quite indefensible, is only barely more honorable than just making stuff up out of thin air I guess.

"While her primary victory has certainly made the young New Yorker a new “rising star” in the Democratic Party, all the new attention seems to have come at a price, particularly as she now aims to court major Democratic Party donors as the general election approaches. Many of those donors, such as the Zionist entertainment billionaire Haim Saban, are unlikely to be supportive of her past positions on key issues, particularly her prior statements on Israel and Palestine."

LOL, she might have deep feelings about Jews and Palestinians. But not so deep that she would not rollover for a nice campaign contribution from a Jew.

Similarly, the vast majority of those associated with the so-called 'resistance' are completely incapable of speaking to the matter of their own intolerance with any degree of lucidity whatever. Ask the guy who just keyed your new car why he would do such a thing and see if the answer makes any sense. I promise you it will not. Ask the arsonist why he would mindlessly burn down a building, or people who vandalize graves sites, or school buildings, or public parks why? They can't answer. But look up the psychological profiles for people who commit such offense and you will find maladjusted neer-do-wells who because they do not work have too much time on their graffiti paint encrusted hands.

You might be asking yourself why I chose to take this tack with the conversation? Dems have been actively recruiting the shallow among us to do their subversive bidding. Hence the marches and rioting of the Obama era. And Mr Obama was just speaking about this in Johannesburg. Incredibly, I guess the guy just doesn't think people can remember past yesterday. But past that, citing the life of Nelson Mandela in the name of non-violence is incredibly arrogant. Mandela if you will recall, used the terror tactic called 'necklacing' to intimidate his subjects into doing as they were told. To necklace somebody, one needed an old tire, a can of gasoline and a match. Put the tire around the victim's head, (the lower invert of the tire could then be filled with gasoline,) then just light the match and let the screaming begin.

The Former President's Johannesburg Talking Points---
•Former President Barack Obama spoke to a crowd of young leaders in Johannesburg, South Africa, to mark the 100th anniversary of Nelson Mandela's birth on Wednesday.

•Obama also said men were getting on his "nerves," saying "we're violent; we're bullying."

Anybody other than me see any irony in the premise of Mr Obama's address as compared to the life of Nelson Mandela?
Messages In This Thread
Media Mongrels Outdo Themselves Again - by 4_real - 07-17-2018, 01:17 PM
Media Mongrels Outdo Themselves Again - by 4_real - 07-17-2018, 01:42 PM
Media Mongrels Outdo Themselves Again - by 4_real - 07-17-2018, 02:26 PM
Media Mongrels Outdo Themselves Again - by 4_real - 07-17-2018, 10:51 PM
Media Mongrels Outdo Themselves Again - by TheRealThing - 07-18-2018, 08:27 PM

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