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07-17-2018, 06:12 PM
4_real Wrote:Look man, we fight back and forth in this country. Left vs. right. Dem vs. Rep. It's what we do. But damn, what in the world is going on when we got the president siding with the KGB over the CIA.
This President is not siding with Russia. The last time Syria gassed it's own people the US attacked Syrian military bases and destroyed them. Over a hundred Syrian soldiers died in the attack along with dozens of Russian troops. You can call that siding with the KGB if you want to, (the KGB no longer exists BTW) but that one fact alone is what has Putin's hackles up in the air.
The US has never in history, ever tried to openly prosecute US military policy through the media. Now your hero Oblah,blah, blah was a different story and if you think his way was right then I feel sorry for you. But we're handling things behind the scenes the way they always have and should be handled, and we've had the best of those things so far. Anderson Cooper et-al, who after getting a thrill up their leg and getting all creamy over the reset button, are suddenly acting like military hawks because of the possible political gains they think they could make in slamming the President's performance in the post summit press conference.
So let me ask again. Other than the Obama led amateur hour, at what time or during what administration did the US ever allow reporters to guide the hand of the President or his cabinet members on matters of national defense? The SALT Treaty for example, which limits nuclear proliferation, was hammered out entirely behind closed doors and then presented to 'the people' of this land. The press had zippo to do with it and the generals and federal government had everything to do with it. End of story.
Messages In This Thread
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Media Mongrels Outdo Themselves Again - by TheRealThing - 07-17-2018, 12:37 AM
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Media Mongrels Outdo Themselves Again - by 4_real - 07-17-2018, 01:42 PM
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Media Mongrels Outdo Themselves Again - by 4_real - 07-17-2018, 02:26 PM
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