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The Echo Chamber: The New Word of the Week.
Revisionist: the overall history of American politics is not a relative warm and fuzzy.

I would suggest that Madeline O’Hare, Row v. Wade, Rodney King riots...these sorts of events have forged deeper fissures and molten lava into our culture. The blue collar, beer-drinking, truck driving, country music listening, believe in God group (against abortion, resentful of the politics of race, angry at a black man lighting the White House in rainbow, etc.), coupled with evangelicals and further right of centers non-religious see the beliefs and politics of progressives and liberals as a threat to the greatness, if not survival, of this nation. Those at the left of center, see those folks and are concerned with bigotry, loss of rights, environmental destruction, etc. The one group HATES Barack Obama, the other HATES Donald Trump. And, true enough, that vitriol is, seemingly, deeper and stronger than, say Ronald Reagan or Jimmy Carter. This too shall pass. The United States will stand. The Obamas and Trumps and Clintons will fade. I believe in the United States Constitution and the balance of powers it enshrines.
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The Echo Chamber: The New Word of the Week. - by The Urban Sombrero - 06-23-2018, 08:02 PM

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