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Political Dissent Grounds for Loss of Citizenship?
Bob Seger Wrote:Hey Geraldo, I am surprised you have shown up again after humiliating yourself with this one...Long time, no response.

Yep, he messed up and strayed outside the limits of safe travel provided by the going DNC talking points on this one Bob. Disappearing for a while after saying something ridiculous is lefty standard operating procedure. When all that stuff came out about the contrived data being used to justify global warming, Obama did the same thing, he just disappeared for a time. And if there's one thing Dems do have right, it's in their understanding of how short 'the people's' attention span is. So after giving time for things to sufficiently settle down, and after having gotten his story straight, Obama came back with a vengeance to push through with the Paris Climate Accord. But not to worry, because if irony ever waxed poetic it would have to be in the fact that we have a President named Trump, who's busy 'trumping' the insanity of the foregoing 8 years. :Clap:

But you're right, even faked intellect is difficult to sustain after saying something as silly as that stated in the thread starter. See, Trump's having so effectively exposed political correctness still has libs shell shocked. They keep trying to run home to momma, but can't figure out that nobody's home. :biggrin:
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Political Dissent Grounds for Loss of Citizenship? - by TheRealThing - 06-04-2018, 06:21 PM

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