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Man , Am I Ever Sick of all This Winning
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆️
“Alien usurpers”...nice.

Elections come.
Cycles go.
Fashions change.
This we know.
To the right y’all
lean a ton.
No Pence...
then filet mignon.

In the last couple days I had occasion to go to the grocery store. There was a family of 4 in line ahead of me and they were having a lot of trouble speaking English. As the cashier attempted to communicate with them I saw the lady take out her payment card, it's face emblazoned with the image of ol' Glory.

Don't try to tell me these immigrants don't subsist on the taxpayer dime, I call that usurping. Taxation without representation was a non-starter in this land last I checked. But here we are 240 years or so after colonists 'tuned' the mad king for unfairly seizing their money; And liberals occupying positions of power within the US Government are more than up for committing the same sort of offense in handing taxpayer money by the pallet load, out to anybody from Hamas to illegal immigrants, and I don't appreciate the practice. I would however support any actions by which those bleeding heart defenders and advocates of same, be required to shoulder the entirety of the expense of said handouts themselves. :Thumbs:

ABTW, you can bet if I don't like being forced to see to the needs of foreign nationals who're here illegally, I am extremely upset about their being allowed to vote and have a say in my government. Might as well invite Putin and Kim Jong Un to vote.
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