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Federal Judge Puts Mueller in His Place
TheRealThing Wrote:Oh I agree, peaceful protest is possible. It just did not happen during the past administration.

Never said Mueller had anything to do with the looting. This thread is about the courage and character of an honorable judge in Virginia who chose to buck the deepstate and their obvious efforts to pinch somebody into making some impeach worthy false allege against the President. All I did was steer the conversation back to the premise this thread.

If I'm not too mistaken, the Montgomery Bus Boycott happened in 1955. Dwight D Eisenhower was President and the 'resistance' to remove President DJT by less than honorable means, was a dot 73 years up on the political horizon. And you're right to say I didn't mention that. I didn't mention the Bolshevik Revolution either, even though it is every bit as germane to this discussion.

The boycott, a peaceful, economic protest was mentioned in response to your rant. And, frankly, ridiculous blindness to your love of judicial activism that suits your beliefs and ideology. No difference.
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Federal Judge Puts Mueller in His Place - by The Urban Sombrero - 05-11-2018, 07:50 PM

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