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Trump must think twice about tariffs
Bob Seger Wrote:Personally I don't care if they rub two sticks together and build a campfire to melt iron ore. just as long.......

Put people that want to work, back to work. Screw the world. We are all their sugar daddy to begin with. I don't care what they think, I don't care what they do....Do whatever it takes, however it takes. They need our yankee dollars way more than we need them. We built these our countries economy's sacrificing our own.

I keep hearing the example of cheap iphones from China. According to going wisdom, if Apple were to bring their phone manufacturing operations back to the USA we'd all be hurting, because the cost per phone would go from 500 dollars to 2,500 dollars. I got a news flash for them, not for me. I'll go with a cheap ol flip phone or do without. I spend more for cell phones anymore than I used to pay for my house payment anyway. :biggrin:

Competition drives the cost on consumer goods. It is likely that Apple moved iphone production to China so that they could compete more effectively with Samsung and other phone companies. That way, they make a lot more money on each phone to be sure. At any rate, they don't make their phones in China as a favor to the consumer, so that we can all have 'relatively?' cheap cell phones. Can you imagine how badly maligned one of the founders would be if he lived in our time rather than in the days of the American Revolution? He'd be spit on if he walked down the street. But this is the mentality of liberals and 'ap' happy millennials who think supper means the drive-thru at McDonald's, and who live for the most part in their parent's basement and have a particular osteitis called text-neck.

I'm with you Bob, America's kneejerk reaction to every challenge these days, seems only to be to shrink back like snowflakes and whine about not rocking the boat. No wonder many of the women in the Congress seem to have more courage than pencil necked men like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. At least the President is man enough to take a stand for what he genuinely believes. Which of course is what separated him from the entirety of DC elites in the first place when he had the courage to call out the idiocy of political correctness long BEFORE he even got elected.
Messages In This Thread
Trump must think twice about tariffs - by TheRealThing - 03-08-2018, 08:04 PM
Trump must think twice about tariffs - by hitter - 03-12-2018, 09:34 AM
Trump must think twice about tariffs - by hitter - 04-17-2018, 08:43 AM

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