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Proposed Alignment; Who has it better/worse than before?
TheHotSnakes Wrote:I'm only going to speak to 3A, since that is what I'm most familiar with.

I'm happy if I am: Paducah Tilghman, Union County, Trigg County, Adair County, Taylor County, Bardstown, Bell County, and I might be tempted to say Mason County. All of these teams seemingly replaced an almost foregone conclusion of a district champ with a game that should/could be much better on paper. At the very least, the gap closed from top to bottom.

I'm sad/mad/unhappy if I am: Anyone is District 4 who didn't move up from 2A (seriously, those one is a toughie), and all of the people in D7 who moved into it, and now has the possibility of a 1st or 2nd round match against the Belfry Fightin Phils.

I think everyone else probably stayed right around where they usually would or will be.

Taylor County traded East Jessamine and Mercer for Glasgow and Casey Co. Not sure how that could be considered much better. If anything that district would be more difficult.
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Proposed Alignment; Who has it better/worse than before? - by goBIGblue82 - 02-26-2018, 06:36 PM

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