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Baptists have lost their way
TheRealThing Wrote:Southern Baptists do believe they are to become involved in government. They believe they are to vote in elections responsibly, vetting each candidate, and they would never support one who promised to further abortion or gay rights. Now, that is not to say that some who claim to be a Christian and a Southern Baptist wouldn't vote for candidates who're sworn to propagate abortion and gay rights anyway, but in such instances there are only two possibilities. One, in a state of open rebellion they vote for those candidates anyway, and suffer loss of reward, or Two, they're not really saved.

The separation of Church and state means that it is the state which is precluded from intervening in Church matters, not the reverse of which, that being Christians taking an active part in self governing themselves. We need as many Christian men in government as we can possibly get.

On displaying the American flag inside the Church sanctuary; the only reason I can think of not to do it is because government has taken to the foolhardy practice of overruling God's law. Therefore in many respects I am ashamed of government. We have embraced abominations such as in the case of legalizing abortion, and officially recognizing homosexuality and granting protected class status to homosexuals. To a Christian the flag is no idol, and a picture (though I do agree that Christians ought not to have any picture or representation of The Lord, framed or otherwise) a picture is certainly not a graven image. Nonetheless, I believe it is perfectly okay to display the American flag in Church.

But don't take my word for it:
Russell D. Moore dean of the School of Theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, "he understands that some might be prone to make patriotism an idol, but doesn’t believe such a threat warrants the flag’s removal.

“The flag can prompt the church to pray for and honor leaders,” he wrote. “The flag can prompt us to remember that national identity is important but transitory… There is no need to play “Rapture the Flag.”

In your calling for state sponsored health care on moral grounds, it is you who are actually advocating for the dissolution of the separation of Church and State. The state is supposed to steer clear of Church purview, which of course is God's law. You either want separation, or you don't. We can't or shouldn't, have both. And nobody EVER got turned away from the hospital before ObamaCare. Those poor folks were cared for. Now however, it's the poor who get the Cadillac care, and those who actually do pay for coverage and treatment? They are forced many times to choose not to go to the doctor because even though they now pay $20,000 per family of 4 for health concerns, their copays and deductibles are so high they're never or rarely actually met. So, what care they do get, they pay for out of pocket. Cash money. Call me whatever, that's not fair. In fact it's state enforced extortion.

If there were no guns, likely just as many would be killed by the sword. Marriage/divorce rates are personal failings, not particularly the Church. Not to in any way excuse it, and though I do agree that Church teachings in that area fall short, divorce rates have always been high in every age.

As recently as 1990, on Sunday mornings in my city; Almost every front door opened up, and families all loaded up and went to Sunday School and Church. Not these days, and I agree that such is a national and local shame. Frankly, many of our problems are directly linked to what can only be described as a plague of national apostasy. We have turned our backs on God Almighty, and we are paying a heavy price for doing so. I believe things are about to get much worse.

So, if you don't mind too terribly my asking; how is it that the Church is to advocate for 'healthcare for all' and gun control, without getting involved in government? And why would it be okay for the Church to advocate for those two things and lay off opposing abortion and gay rights?

I don't mind you asking questions: I will respond when I have time... what I will ask right now is if you would pray for the school shooting today and our sister state of Alaska. TIA
Messages In This Thread
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