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Xe, xyr, vir
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Isn’t it possible that Jesus simply wept because he knew Lazarus, considered him a friend, saw how deeply grief-stricken were the other mourners? Plus, a pretty stark foreshadowing of where he himself was headed? Also, Christ wanted his followers to see others as they really are, to see the shame and sorrow and suffering behind the curtains, and to proclaim and confirm the Gospel of God’s enduring love for all human beings. The “culture war” does not excuse contempt, nor does compassion excuse the dismissal of sin. Balancing the pendulum is the work of the Spirit.


But you keep angling towards what would have to be some sort of declaration in which you assert that God is somehow universally accepting of all man's behavior. A notion which is precluded in the above quoted 1 Corinthians 6:9 & 10, passage. If there were a pass waiting in everybody's future, that would mean that Christ died for nothing. In point of fact every sin will be accounted for, in the case of the unforgiven. Even one sinful action is enough to condemn any man to eternal separation from God.

God does love all human beings and gave His only Son in sacrifice on the cross in expression of that love. His love is also on display in His daily provision for the inhabitants of this earth; As well as in the fact that He provides eternal life to those who meet the requirement of accepting Christ as Lord and Savior. However, He does not mitigate, wink at, or otherwise dismiss or excuse sin in any degree, for anyone who is not "washed." Further, He has condemned all men, in that He has declared that every man is born 'dead,' in trespass and sin. Ephesians 2:1 (KJV)
1 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;

So then, men must choose to submit themselves in repentance before The Lord. And in so doing to use modern day vernacular, they choose to snatch for themselves life, from the jaws of certain death.

That is why Christ used the term born again. Only in said case, being born again is to be 'born' into life eternal. John 3:7 (KJV)
7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

I find it remarkable that any would find solace in being part of this earthly brotherhood of men, as if by force of number, such commonality of their mutually sinful nature is somehow in itself some sort of sanctuary. I mean, one can't hope to be shielded from the judgment in any degree, by citing the fact that he like all men, is flawed, sinful, and lost. But make no mistake, Christians are washed, as they are forgiven. And they no longer take part in the sinful actions listed in verses 9 and 10. ANY who do, are not saved.
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