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Mueller Under Fire from 'Conservative Media
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆️
Evidence? That’s Mueller’s job. He’s doing it. As for a prima facie case for obstruction? Surely you jest. As for El Tweetitano wanting rid of Mueller? Surely you joust? Now, as to collusion reaching into the occupant of the Oval Office? We’ll see. However, as to collusion reaching into his campaign and close associates? Come on. Stop being coy and dancing with fanciful denial.

Bull, the same lawyers that helped the last administration stonewall investigators for the entire Obama era are now working for Mueller, exceeding their authority and exploiting their deep state connections to illegally seize private documents. Dershowitz is on tv right now saying this kind of tactic is typical for Mueller. And Greg Jarrett is jumping up and down about it.

Even Doug Schoen is in a lather over what's going on and worries we are near to Constitutional crisis. And of course Jeff Sessions (who's evidently been entered in the witness protection program) has to go. But you know who just loves him? The Dems of course, the very people who tried their best to deny Sessions confirmation in the first place.
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Mueller Under Fire from 'Conservative Media - by TheRealThing - 12-19-2017, 03:20 AM

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