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Super Regional proposal placed on hold?
Person who pushed this idea is gone along with their sidekick. Schools realized that the district tournaments would be meaningless and a waste of time. They also realized that without district tournaments a reliable source of income that supported athletics in their respective schools was in jeapordy. Why have a district if it doesn't mean anything? Don't know where 2/3 majority came from, last time I looked the policy board worked on simple majority. There was considerable pushback after school administrators received input from people in their schools and communities. If you remember the first meeting to set this up was an invite for Superintendents only; no other school or district people were invited. No transparency.
Messages In This Thread
Super Regional proposal placed on hold? - by EKY - 05-18-2017, 01:21 AM
Super Regional proposal placed on hold? - by Thirsty Dog - 11-22-2017, 07:24 AM

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