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At the six-month milestone, can Trump turn around his struggling presidency?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:
Thank you for your brief remarks.
"As I was reading Edmund Burke." Hahahaha...Peacock.

Now, as to changing governments (revolution) in contrast to making changes in government (progress and growth), you seek to dazzle and confuse via les mouches, confusing, it seems, calls for revolution, or anarchy in the streets, with concentrated, peaceful efforts to call government to "come up higher" and live out the to the highest its creeds. Whilst the majority might rather choose status quo though the minority suffer inequality and injustice (see Paulo Freire), a nation dedicated to equal justice, a nation that values pluralism and egalitarian principle, must needs hearken to legitimate voices calling it to right itself from unjust forms.

Right, I know it's funny to quote one of England's greatest statesmen and one of America's leading Founders to a guy who takes all his cues from the likes of Carlos Slim and Jeff Bezos. But as absurd as your ill spoken and uninformed baloney really is, is, it's still not of your own making. You can't even repeat other people's work accurately.
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At the six-month milestone, can Trump turn around his struggling presidency? - by TheRealThing - 07-23-2017, 09:51 PM

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